Pleurothallis transparens Schltr.1922 SUBGENUS Specklinia SECTION Effusae Lindl. 1842

Photos by © Wiel Driessen and his Facebook Page

Another Flower

Photo by © Roberto Martins and Flickr Orchid Photo Website

Drawing of Flower

Drawing by © Pabst

Full shade

Common Name The Translucent Pleurothallis

Flower Size .12" [3 mm]

Found in Sao Paulo state of Brazil.

SynonymsPabstiella transparens (Schltr.) Luer 2007; Specklinia transparens (Schltr.) Luer 2004

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

*Anexos Mem. Inst. Butantan, Secē. Bot. 1(4): 44 Schlechter 1922;

Orchidaceae Brasilensis Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing fide;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004 as Specklinia transparens;

Icones Pleurothallidianrum Vol XXIX A Third Century of Stelis of Ecuador Systematics of Apoda-Prorepentia Luer 2007 as Pabstiella transparens;
