Prosthechea cretacea (Dressler & G.E.Pollard) W.E.Higgins 1997 publ. 1998
Photo by LMMC and the Orquidario Virtual Website
Common Name The Chalky White Prosthechea
Flower Size 1.2" [3 cm]
Found in Michoacan, Mexico, Morelos, Guerrero? and Oaxaca states of Mexico as a medium sized, cold, pendent growing epiphyte in oak and oak-pine forests at elevations of 2200 to 2600 meters with clustered, ovoid to elliptic, laterally compressed, glaucous in youth, becoming blackish with age pseudobulbs carrying 2 to 3, oblong-lanceolate to subelliptic, retuse, glaucous, coriaceous, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the fall through early spring on a terminal, pendent, racemose, rarely paniculate, to 35 flowered inflorescence with triangular, acuminate floral bracts and carrying resupinate, waxy, slightly fragrant flowers.
Synonyms *Encyclia cretacea Dressler & G.E.Pollard 1971; Pseudencyclia cretacea (Dressler & G.E.Pollard) V.P.Castro & Chiron 2003
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Phytologia 21: 438 Dressler & G E Pollard 1971 as Encyclia cretacea;
*Phytologia 82: 377 W E Higgins 1997 publ. 1998;
Richardiana 4: 32 V.P.Castro & Chiron 2003 as Pseudencyclia cretacea;
AOS Bulletin Vol 84 #2 2015 photo fide;