Brachypeza semiteretifolia (H.A.Pedersen) Kocyan & Schuit. 2014 Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Kerschbaum Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved.

Plant and Flower

Side View Of Plant And Flower Photos by Timothy Choltco

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Common Name The Semi-Terete Leaves Brachypeza

Flower Size 3/4" [1.85 cm]

A new species found in Vietnam in evergreen lowland forests on terminal branches and twigs of trees at elevations of 1000 to 1500 meters as a cool growing, miniature, monopodial epiphyte that blooms on multiple, single flowered inflorescence that carry a single a beautiful, flat, fragrant, 3/4" bloom that can occur at any time of the year.

Synonyms Pteroceras semiteretifolium H.A.Pedersen 1992; Pteroceras uniflorum Tixier 1967; Sarcochilus uniflorus Gagnep. 1933

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1913 as Sarcochilus uniflorus drawing ok; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994 as Pteroceros semiteritifolium drawing fide; Mille et Une Mini Orchideees Roguenant 2009 as Pteroceras semiteretifolium as photo fide;
