Quisqueya rosea (Mansf.) Dod 1979
Photo by Karl Senghas
Drawing by Ms Robles
Common Name The Rose Colored Quisqueya
Flower Size 1.9" [4.8 cm]
Found in the central cordillera of the Dominican Republic near the tops of cliffsides at elevations around 1800 meters as a small sized, cool growing epiphyte with erect, slender, terete stems enveloped completely by 2 to 3 scarious sheaths carrying 2, apical, erect, linear, obliquely acute, serrulate margined, petiolate base leaves that blooms on an erect, terminal, 4.8" [12 cm] long, to 3 simultaneously flowered inflorescence with several sheaths and lanceolate, acuminate, much shorter than the ovary floral bracts.
Synonyms Broughtonia rosea (Mansf.) Dressler 1966; Cattleyopsis holdridgei L.O.Williams 1946; *Cattleyopsis rosea Mansf. 1926; Epidendrum roseum Schltr. 1913; Quisqueya fuertesii Dod 1983;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Symb. Antill. 7: 497 Cogniaux 1913 as Epidendrum roseum nom. illeg.
Ark. Bot. 20A(15): 17 Mansf.1926 as Cattleyopsis rosea;
Bot. Mus. Leafl. 12: 256 L O Williams 1946 as Cattleyopsis holdridgei nom. illeg.
Taxon 15: 241 Dresller 1966 as Broughtonia rosea
*AOS Bulletin Vol 48 #2 1979 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 48 #5 1979 drawing fide;
Moscosoa 2: 16 Dod 1983 as Quisqueya fuertesii nom. illeg.
AOS Bulletin Vol 61 No 10 1992 as Q fuertesii photo fide;
Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 10 576 - 632 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1977 as Cattleyopsis rosea;
The Cattleyas and Their Relatives Vol 4 Withner 1996 photo fide;
Orchidaceae Antillinae Nir 2000;
Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 42 - 43 pg 2626 - 2762 Brieger 2001 as Q fuertesii;
Orchid Flora of the Greater Antilles Ackerman 2014