Sarcochilus argochilus D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2006 Photo by © R. G. Tunstall and Australian Tropical Rainforest Orchids Website
Inflorecscence Photo by © Kris Kopicki and his Flickr Orchid Photo Website
Common Name The ? Sarcochilus - In Australia The Northern Lawyer Orchid
Flower Size 1.2 to 2" [3 to 5 cm]
Found in Queensland Australia in rainforests close to streams on trees and vines at elevations of 400 to 1000 meters as a miniature sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte or lithophyte with a stiffly porrect, sparsely branched stem carrying 2 to 8, prostrate to pendulous, distichous, alternate, sessile, oblong, slightly falcate, sark green, thin textured but stiff, entire to slightly undulate margins, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the late fall through late spring on an axillary, archingf to pendulous, [9 to 14 cm] long, 2 to 12 flowered inflorescence carrying resupinate, star-shaped, porrect flowers.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Native Orchids of Australia Jones 2006 photo fide