Sarcoglottis scintillans (E.W.Greenw.) Salazar & Soto Arenas 2002 publ. 2003
Photos by © Greenwood and The Epidendra Website
Common Name The Sparkling Sarcoglottis
Flower Size .2" [5 mm]
Found in Guerrero & Oaxaca states of Mexico and Guatemala in elfin forests sometimes along streams at elevations of 1400 to 1900 meters as a medium sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial with an erect stem carrying deciduous, not present at blooming, in a basal rosettte, 4 to 7, long ovate, slightly undulate margins, acute, gradually narrowing below into the shortly petilolate base leaves that blooms in the mid spring through early summer on an erect, terminal, pubescent-languinose above, scapose, densely many flowered inflorescence with lanceolate, arcuate, canaliculate, tubular floral bracts.
Synonyms *Pelexia scintillans E.W.Greenw. 1990; Zhukowskia scintillans (E.W.Greenw.) Szlach., Mytnik & Rutk. 2003
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orquídea (Mexico City), n.s., 12(1): 48. Greenwood 1990. as Pelexia scintillans drawing/photo fide; *Icones Orchidacearum 5-6 Hagsater & Soto 2002 drawing fide; Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018 as Zhukowskaia scintillans;