Sertifera hirtziana Baranow & Kolan. 2019 SECTION Sertifera Szlach & Baranow

Drawing by © N Oledrzynska

partial shade Cold

Common Name Hirtz's Sertifera [German Water Engineer and orchid enthusiast extrodinaire current]

Flower Size

Found in Zamora-Chinchipe province of Ecuador at elevations above 2000 meters as a medium sized, cold growing terrestrial with an erect, rigid, unbranched stem carrying plicate, distichous, erect, stiff, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, unequally bidentate apically, sessile below leaves on clasping sheaths that blooms on an axillary, lateral, shorter than the subtending leaf, subcapitate, about 3 flowered inflorescence, with triangular, long-acuminate, blunt concave, less than half as long as the ovary floral bracts.

Distinguished by erect, very stiff, unequally bidentate apically leaves. The unique inflorescence has a very short peduncle and hidden by the leaf base sheath.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI

*Ann. Bot. Fenn. 56: 206 Baranow & Kolan. 2019;

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:200 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide

