Sobralia neudeckeri Dodson 1998 SECTION Abbreviatae TYPE Drawing by © C Dodson
Common Name Neudecker's Sobralia [Dr Tilman Neudecker Co-collector of the species current]
Flower Size 2.8" [7cm]
Found in Esmeraldas province of Ecuador in wet montane forests, often along road cuts at elevations around 650 meters as a medium sized, warm growing terrestrial or epiphyte with a short rhizome giving rise to cane-like stems enveloped in the basal half by clasping sheaths and carrying towards the apex 2, elliptic, coriaceous, acute, distichous, heavily veined beneath, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the late fall and early winter on a terminal, through a cone-like structure, successively single, several flowered inflorescence carrying flowers with yellow brown outside, dark brown inside sepals, petals and lip are yellowish white.
Similar to S valida but S neudeckeri differs in the shorter stems carrying only 2 leaves that are comparitively thick and fleshy and the callus-like structure on the underside of the column. It also only comes form the Lita area od Esmeraldas province of Ecuador.
References W3 Tropicos Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Orquideologia Vol. 21 No 1 Dodson 1998 drawing/photo fide;