Thrixspermum teretifolium P.O'Byrne & J.J.Verm. 2008 SECTION Thrixspermum Photo by Peter O'Byrne
Common Name The Terete Leaved Thrixspermum
Flower Size .88" [2.2 cm]
Found in Sulawesi in primary forests on trunks of trees along rivers and streams at elevations around 900 meters as a small to medium sized, warm growing epiphyte with a descending to patent, occcasionally branching, cylindrical, slightly compressed, persistently sheathed, leafy in the distal half stem carrying in 2 opposite, outspread-descending rows, terete, subulate apically, sheaths tightly clasping stem, cylindrical, eventually becoming dry and sulcate that blooms in late summer and early fall on numerous, lateral from the mid portion of the stem, spreading, peduncle filiform, broadening below the rachis, provided with basal bracts and a loose triangular at the middle and another directly below the rachis, 2.2 to 3" [5.5 to 7.5 cm] long overall, rachis .24 to .8" [.6 to 2 cm] long, slightly swollen, compressed, successively 1 to 2, to 24 flowered inflorescence with 2 opposite rows, strongly compressed, triangular, acute, somewhat shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying ephemeral flowers
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 2 O'Byrne & Verm. 2008 photo fide; A to Z of South East Asian Orchid Species Vol 2 2011 photo fide;