Tridactyle translucens Summerh. 1948 Drawing by © Williamson
Common Name The Transluscent Tridactyle
Flower Size
Found in Zambia in Cryptosepalum and Bracystegia Woodlands at elevations around 1400 meters as a small sized, cool growing terrestrial with several erect stems carrying several, distichous, ligulate to lanceolate-ligulate, unequally and obtusely bilobed apically, v shaped in crossection, slightly recurved, very fleshy leaves that blooms in the late summer and earlier fall on an axillary, opposite the leaves, .24 to .4" [.6 to 1 cm] long, 2 to 6 flowered inflorescence with shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying transluscent greenish white to pale orange flowers.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of South Central Africa Williamson 1977 drawing fide; Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Orchidaceae Part 2 Pope 1998; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans, Campbell 2006