Tuberolabium rhopalorrhachis (Rchb. f.) J.J. Wood 1990 SECTION Trachoma

Flower Closeup

Photos by © Jay Pfahl

Cameron Highlands variety

Photo by © Art Vogel


Common Name The Rod-Like Rhachis Tuberolabium

Flower Size .4" [1 cm]

Found in Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Ambon Island and the Philippines in low stature hill and lower montane forests at elevations of 760 to 1500 meters as a miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with stems that become pendant with age carrying 3 to 6, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, apically unequally bilobed, each lobe acute leaves that blooms in the late winter and early spring on an axillary, gradually extending to 3/4" to 1.6" long, many successively flowered inflorescence with triangular, acute floral bracts that carry close set, short-lived, fragrant flowers.

Synonyms Dendrocolla brachyglottis (Hook.f.) Ridl 1924; *Dendrocolla rhopalarrhachis Rchb. f. 1857; Saccolabium rhopalorhachis (Rchb. f.) Ridl. 1857; Sarcochilus brachyglottis Hook.f. 1890; Sarcochilus rhopalorrachis Rchb. f. 1863; Thrixspermum brachyglottis (Hook.f.) Kuntze 1891; Thrixspermum brachyglottis (Hook.f.) Kuntze 1891; Thrixspermum rhopalorrachis [Rchb.f]Rchb. f. 1867; Trachoma rhopalorhachis (Rchb. f.) Garay 1972

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Xenia Orchidaceae Rchb.f 1854 as Dendrocolla rhopalorrhachis drawing; Bonplandia Rchb.f 1857 as Dendrocolla rhopalorrhachis; Xenia Orchidaceae vol 2 Rchb.f 1865 as Thrixspermum rhopalorrhachis; A Century of Indian Orchids Vol 5 Hooker 1895 as Sarcochilus brachyglottis drawing ok; Die Orchideen Von Java J.J.Sm. 1905 as Saccolabium rhopalorhachis; Die Orchideen Von Java Figuren Atlas J.J.Smith 1908 as Saccolabium rhopalorhachis Drawing fide; Flora of Malaya Vol 1 Holttum 1957 as Saccolabium rhopalorrachis drawing ok; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1963 as Saccolabium rhopalorrhachis drawing good; Botanisk Tidsskrift bd 68 hft 1 Contributions to the Orchid Flora of Thailand V Seidedenfaden 1973 drawing fide; The Orchids of Papua New Guinea An Introduction Millar 1978 photo fide; Orchidiana Philipiniana Vol 1 Valmayor 1984; Opera Botanica #95 Seidenfaden 1988 as Trchoma rhopalorhachisDie Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 19/20 1129 - 1264 Brieger 1988 as Trachoma rhopalorrhachis drawing/photo good; Orchids of Java Comber 1990 photo fide; The Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia and Singapore Seidenfaden & Wood 1992 drawing/photo fide; The Plants of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2 Orchids Beaman, Wood, Beaman & Beaman 1993; A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994; Orchids of Sumatra Comber 2001 photo fide; The Orchids of the Philippines Cootes 2001 photo ok; Lindleyana Vol 17 No 1 2002; Flora Malesiana Orchids of the Philippines Vol I Agoo, Shuiteman and de Vogel 2003; AOS Orchids pg 922 Choltco 12/2006; Flora Malesia Orchids of New Guinea Vol V 2008; Wild Orchids of the Casmeron Highlands REACH 2009 photo fide; The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2 Wood, Beaman, Lamb, Chu Lun and Beaman 2011 photo ok; Wild Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia Ong, O'Byrne, Yong & Saw 2011 photo fide

