Dendrochilum lumakuense J.J.Wood 1994 SUBGENUS Platyclinis SECTION Platyclinis
TYPE Drawing by © Susanna Stuart-Smith
Common Name The Mt Lumaku Dendrochilum
Flower Size .24" [6 mm]
Found in Sabah Borneo in lower montane forests at elevations of 1800 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with crowded, ovoid to oblong, wrinkled when dry pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, rigid, 5 to 7 nerved, oblong-elliptic, ligulate, subacute, minutely apiculate, conduplicate below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the late fall and early winter on an erect to gently curving, peduncle 1.4 to 1.6" [3.5 to 4 cm] long, without bracts, rachis quadrangular, 3.2 to 7.2" [8 to 18 cm] long, laxly to subdensely many flowered inflorescence with oblong-ovate, acute, apiculate, as long as the ovary floral bracts and carrying unscented, green flowers.
"D lumakuense is closely related to D tenompokense but easily distinguished by its entire labellum, recalling those of the section Dendrochilum, and the non-bilobed lower margin of the stigmatic cavity." J J Wood 2001
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994 Drawing fide; *A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994 as D cruciforme var longicuspum Drawing fide; Orchids of Sarawak Beaman & Wood etal 2001; Dendrochilum of Borneo Wood 2001 drawing fide;