Dendrobium meiernianum P.O'Byrne, P.T.Ong & J.J.Wood 2013 SECTION Distichophyllae Hkr.f
TYPE photos by © Peter O'Byrne
Common Name Mei Ern's Dendrobium [Jessica Loh Mei Ern Malaysian Daughter of Orchid Enthusiast Dr S P Loh current]
Flower Size .28 to .32" [7 to 8 mm]
Found in Borneo without locality as a small to medium sized epiphyte with erect, unbranched, leafy in the distal half, club shaped basally, terete above, greenish-yellow with a dark red-brown nodal ring stem carrying suberect, narrowly ovate-triangular, thin, glabrous, green, obtuse, unequally bilobed leaves with cylindrical, pale green becoming grey to white when dry, persistent sheaths that blooms in the spring and summer on the leafy part of the stem, 1 per node, lateral, opposite the leaf, distichously arranged, erect, subsessile, single flowered inflorescence.
"In habit similar to But that species has much larger flowers with a trilobed lip. The small flowers of D meiernianum seaparate it from most all Bornean orchids other than D connatum var distachyon but it has a transverse-oblong to reniform lip mid-lobe with three wart covered ridges on the mid-lobe that arise from a swelling which occupies the base of the epipchile and much of the claw." J J Wood 2014
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 11 P.O'Byrne, P.T.Ong & J.J.Wood 2013 photo/drawing fide;