Epidendrum chilcalorum Hágsater, Reina-Rodr. & Rodr.-Mart. 2015 GROUP Elleanthoides SUBGROUP Pilcuense

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Photo/ TYPE Drawing by Reina-Rodrigues by © Lopez and The AMO Herbaria Website

Common Name The El Chical Population Epidendrum [refers to the people of the town who back the idea of the area being a public protected area as a conservation alternative]

Flower Size .08" [2 mm]

Found in southern Colombia on the Cordillera Occidental on the eastern slope of the Andes at elevations around 1800 to 1900 meters as a medium sized, cool growing terrestrial with a few branched above when mature, erect, straight, terete, thin, single branched stem carrying 7, all along the primary stem, articulate, patent, spreading, elliptic, obtuse, margin entire leaves that blooms in the summer on a terminal, paniculate, occasionally racemose, erect, peduncle short, terete thin, basally with one lanceolate, acute, clasping bract, rachis 6.8" [17 cm] long, very slightly flexuous, greenish brown, successively 1 to 3, 11 to 31 flowered inflorescence with much shorter than the ovary, triangular-lanceolate, acuminate, clasping, spreading brown floral bracts and carrying non-resupinate flowers with externally fuschia-wine red sepals internally pale pink, the petals pale pink and the lip and column are pinkish white.

"Epidendrum chilcalorum belongs to the GROUP Elleanthoides SUBGROUP Pilcuense which is recognized by the thin, monopodial stems, branching above when mature, sheaths rugose, inflorescence apical, erect, paniculate, lax-flowered, lacking any spathe, small flowers, and sub-entire to deeply 3-lobed, fleshy lip embracing the apex of the column, 1 callose, the disc of the lip and floor of the nectary opposite the stigmatic cavity pilose. The species is recognized by the elliptic leaves 1.21 to 2.64" [4.4 to 6.5 cm] long, the color of the flowers, the sepals externally fuchsia-wine-red, internally pink, the column and lip pinkish-white; the sub-entire, cordiform lip wider than long, with a single, laminar callus, the apex 3-lobulate, and the 5-veined sepals, apically rounded. Epidendrum pilcuense Hágsater & Dodson, has lanceolate leaves about twice as long 3.6 to 4.8" [9 to 12 cm] long, yellowish white flowers with purple punctuation, and ochre-yellow, deeply 3-lobed lip smaller, .14 x .18" [3.5 x 4.5 mm], callus entire, rounded, and sepals 3-veined, acute. Epidendrum grayi Hágsater & Dodson has similar sized linear-lanceolate leaves, pale orange colored flowers, deeply 3-lobed lip, bilobed callus, and the sepals 3-veined, obtuse." Hagsater etal 2015


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Icones Orchidacearum 15 [1] Plate 1512 Reina-Rodr. & Rodr.-Martínez 2015 Drawing/photo fide; Orquideas, Tesoro de Colombia Vol 2 Ortiz & Uribe 2017 photo fide;
