Epidendrum chimantense Hágsater & Carnevali 1993 GROUP Arbuscula SUBGROUP Arbuscula
TYPE Drawing by © Jimenez and The AMO Herbaria Website
Common Name The Serrania de Chimanta' Epidendrum [A range of mountains in the Venezuelan Guayana]
Flower Size .8" [2 cm]
Found in the department of Bolivar Venezuela in the eastern area of the Venezuelan Guayana at elevations of 1500 to 3300 meters as a small to medium sized cool to cold growing epiphyte with an erect stem arising from the middle of the previous stem and carrying 3 to 4, narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, sub-coriaceous leaves with purple tinged leaf sheaths, that has been collected in bloom in the winter, late spring, late summer and early fall on a terminal, arising on a mature stem, nodding, racemose, occuring only once, nutant, .8 to 1.6" [2 to 4 cm] long, without a spathe, successively 2 to 4 at a time, 8 to 15 flowered inflorescence with much shorter than the ovary, triangular, acute floral bracts and carrying resupinate flowers with the tepals being pale lavender, greenish or cream green with a fulvous yellow edge, a pale fulvous yellow lip and a white column.
"Epidendrum chimantense belongs to the GROUP Arbuscula SUBGROUP Arbuscula and can be recognized by the purple-tinged leaf sheaths, the narrow, elliptic-lanceolate leaves, and the successive, small flowers with subreniform, somewhat emarginate, apiculate lip. The species has been confused with Epidendrum lechleri Rchb .f., a species native to Peru which has sepals .52" [13 mm] long and entire lip. Epidendrum nephroglossum Schltr. has very prominent floral bracts, sepals .44 to .5" [11 to 12.5 mm] long and the lip is reniform .28 x .52" [7 x 13 mm], with the base cordate." Hagsater etal
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora de Venezuela Vol 15 Parte 3 Foldats 1970 as E lechleri Fig 488 A drawing fide; *Icones Orchidacearum 2 Plate 121 Hagsater & Salazar 1993 drawing fide; Icones Orchidacearum 2 Plate 134 Hagsater & Sanchez 1993 see recognition section; Icones Orchidacearum 3 Plate 312 Hagsater 1999 see recogntion section; Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol 7 Steyermark, Berry, Yatskievych and Holst 2003; Icones Orchidacearum 15 [1] Plate 1524 Hagsater & Sanchez 2015 see recognition section; Icones Orchidacearum 16[2] Plate 1674 Hagsater & Sanchez 2018 see recognition section;