Epidendrum lowilliamsii García-Cruz 1992 GROUP Chloe

TYPE Drawing

Photo/Drawing by © R Jimenez and The Herbario AMO Website

Another Flower?

Photo by © Julio Valdez Partida

Another Flower?

Photo by Jorge Melendez.


Common Name L. O. Williams' Epidendrum [American Botanist in Central America]

Flower Size .8" [2 cm]

Found in Mexico and Michoacan states of Mexico in pine/oak forests on canyon-sides at elevations of 2150 to 2330 meters as a mini-miniature to medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with cane-like, arising from the base of the previous stem, cylindrical, erect, simple, thin stems enveloped below the middle by scarious, tubular, smooth sheaths and carrying 4 to 8, distichous, in the upper 1/3rd of the stem, linear, acute, mucronate, slightly ribbed, coriaceus, smooth, lightly carinate dorsally, clear green in youth, dark green in maturity leaves that blooms in the fall on a terminal, erect, racemose, arising on a mature stem with a new one well along, can rebloom successively from the nodes of the old peduncle, .32 to 1.32" [.8 to 2.8 cm] long, laterally compressed, smooth, 1 to 2, spaced, triangular bracts, lax, arcuate, 1 to 2.6" [2.5 to 6.5 cm] long overall, rachis round in cross-section, slightly sinuous, without a spathe, successively 3 to 5 flowered inflorescence with much smaller than the peduncle bracts, much shorter than the ovary, triangular floral bracts and carrying resupinate, non-fragrant flowers

Epidendrum lowilliamsii is part of GROUP Chloe characterized by the sympodial, caespitose plants with simple, very thin stems, grass-like, acuminate, sub-erect leaves, a racemose, lax, few-flowered inflorescence, and delicate flowers with a more or less cordate lip. The species is a miniature to small sized, 3.2 to 14" (8 to 35 cm), cold growing epiphytic, cespitose herb with slender stems carrying 4 to 8 linear, acute and mucronate, distichous leaves that are distributed towards the apex. Inflorescence racemose terminal with 3 to 5 yellowish and membranous flowers. Flowering October to December. Distribution: Endemic to Mexico in Michoacan and Mexico states at elevations of 20 to 2200 meters. I grow with success this plant cold, in bright light, with a dry season (December to March) Text by Jorge Melendez

Epidendrum lowilliamsii is a part of the GROUP Chloe and García-Cruz Orquídea (Méx.) 12(2): 131-138 1992 compares this species with E chloe, E cusii, Epidendrum examinis S.Rosillo 1984 and E matudae so I have addded them all to GROUP Chloe which may be incorrect as most certainly E cusii does not belong here.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Orquídea (Méx.) 12(2): 131-138. Garcia Cruz 1992 drawing/photo fide;

