Epidendrum nocteva Hágsater & L.Sánchez GROUP Nocturnum SUBGROUP Nocturnum
TYPE Photo/TYPE Drawing by © Rodrigo Escobar/Jimenez and The AMO Herbaria Website
Common Name The Orquidario Eva E nocturnum Epidendrum [A nursury in Pereira where the orchid was grown, and nocturnum from the group that this species is found ]
Flower Size 1.2” [3 cm]
Found in Antioquia department of Colombia at elevations around 1000 meters as a small to medium sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with simple, cane-like, erect, laterally compressed stems carrying 6 to 7, all along the stem, coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, unequally bilobed, minutely mucronate, evident dorsal keeled leaves that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a terminal, without a spathe, racemose becoming pluriracemose in time, successively 1 to 2, few flowered inflorescence with much shorter than the ovary, triangular, acute, clasping floral bracts and carrying resupinate flowers with the sepals and petals greenish ochre, the lip white witht the apex of the lobes tinged ochre, the column green towards the base whiote towards the apex and the calli are dark yellow.
"Epidendrum nocteva belongs to the GROUP Nocturnum SUBGROUP Nocturnum which is characterized by the sympodial, caespitose plants, cane-like, non-fusiform stems, successive flowers on a short, racemose or pluri-racemose inflorescence, without spathaceous bracts, and large, star-shaped flowers, with similar sepals and petals; the flowers are mostly indistinguishable in shape. The species is recognized by the short plants, 6.8 to 7.6" [17 to 19 cm] tall, stems laterally compressed, 6 to 7 green leaves, flowers small, basically ochre colored, lip white, sepals .6 to .64" [15 to 16 mm] long, short ovary, .88 [22 mm] long, straight column .36" [9 mm] long, the lateral lobes of the lip semi-elliptic, mid-lobe linear-elliptic, body of the capsule located near the middle of the pedicelate ovary. Epidendrum mininocturnum ranging along the lower slopes of the Andes in southern Colombia and northern Ecuador, at 80 to 650 meters altitude, has larger flowers with sepals 1.08 to 1.12" [27 to 28 mm] long, ovary 1.08 to 1.2" [27 to 30 mm] long, mid-lobe ensiform, column slightly arched, .48" [12 mm] long, sepals reddish green to pink, petals pale green, column greenish at base, red towards the apex. Epidendrum buenaventurae F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. has somewhat taller plants, 6.8 to 12" [17 to 30 cm] tall, the leaves green to yellowish green tinged purple, sepals1 to 1.8" [25 to 46 mm] long, ovary 1.4 to 2" [35 to 50 mm] long, the lateral lobes of the lip ovate-triangular, mid-lobe ensiform, and the body of the capsule in the middle of the pedicelate ovary. Epidendrum nocturnum Jacq. is widely distributed in the Neotropics, has terete stems, leaves distributed along the apical 2/3 of the stem, ovary 2 to 2.8" [50 to 70 mm] long, column .6 to .8" [15 to 20 mm] long, sepals and petals yellowish green, lip and column white; the body of the capsule in the middle and occupying nearly the total length of the pedicelate ovary." Hagsater etal 2016
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI Native Colombian Orchids Vol 5 pg 770, photo #905 COS 1994 as E sp photo fide; Native Colombian Orchids Vol 6 COS 1998 errata; * Icones Orchidacearum 15 [2] Plate 1589 Hagsater & Sanchez 2016 drawing fide; Orquideas, Tesoro de Colombia Vol 2 Ortiz & Uribe 2017 drawing/photo fide;