Epidendrum pseudoanceps D.E. Benn. & Christenson 1998 GROUP Anceps SUBGROUP Anceps

Photo by © Carlos Hajek and his Peruvian Orchid Page

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © M Alcantara and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbarium Website


Common Name The Almost-Like Epidendrum anceps Epidendrum

Flower Size 1 1/2" [3.5 cm]

A large sized, cool growing epiphyte of the wet montane forests of Peru at elevations around 1400 to 1800 meters with an erect, compressed, enveloped with distichous, imbricating, leaf bearing sheaths with oblong-elliptic to elliptic, acute, basally clasping leaves that are dark green above and dark purple below which blooms in the spring and fall on a terminal, 5" [12 cm] long arcuate to pendant racemose, umbelliform inflorescence with scarious acuminate bracts arising a a mature stem with the several flowers clustered at the apex.

Epidendrum pseudoanceps is part of GROUP Anceps SUBGROUP Anceps characterized by the simple stems giving rise to a generally elongate, compound racemose inflorescence producing new successive racemes over time and carrying fleshy flowers with filiform to narrowly spatulate petals The species differs from Epidendrum anceps by its filiform petals, a convex labellum with three raised edges and the "bilobulate apex of the labellum midlobe with divergent, recurved lobules." Quote by Eric Christenson

CAUTION!!! In Icones plate 1243 Hagsater reduced E pseudoepidendrum to a synonym of E forcipatum. Kew did not follow suit.

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 469 Bennett & Christenson 1998 drawing fide; Icones Orchidacearum 4 Plate 437 Hagsater & Sanchez 2001 see recognition section as E forcipatum; Icones Orchidacearum 12 Plate 1243 Hagsater 2009 see recognition section; LANKESTERIANA 14(1) 2014;

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