SECTION Fytchianthe Schlechter 1912

LectoTYPE: = Dendrobium barbatulum Lindley 1851

Synonyms Section Eudendrobium Subsection Perulacea Pfitz 1889; Section Stachyobium Subsection Elatores Benth & Hkr.f 1883;

Characterized by the slim leafy stem carrying usually an apparently terminal raceme of the newest mature pseudobulb and a large flower with wide petals and lip.

  1. !Dendrobium barbatulum Lindley 1851 LectoTYPE For the section; India

  2. Dendrobium fytchianum Bateman 1864 Myanmar and Malaysia

  3. Dendrobium ovatum (L.) Kraenzl. 1910 southwestern India

  4. Dendrobium wightii A.D.Hawkes & A.H.Heller 1962 India and Sri Lanka
