Platylepis goudotii (Ormerod & Cavestro) M.C.Pace 2020
TYPE drawing by © Paul Ormerod and Taiwania, 51(3): 153-161, Notulae Goodyerinae (III) Ormerod 2006
Common Name Goudot's Platylepis [French Collector of the type 1800's]
Flower Size .12" [3 mm]
Found in Madagascar without locality with a terete, erect stem carrying 9l obliquely oblong to ovate, acute, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer on a terminal, erect, pubescent, , peduncle 2.32" [5.8 cm] long, provided with 3, approximate bracts, rachis 1.6" [4 cm] long, to 40 flowered inflorescence with 6 to 7 at apex of peduncle, lanceolate, acute, crowded floral bracts and carrying resupinate, colour not known, externally pubescent in lower half flowers.
"This species is related to Platylepis rosea (Perrier) Ormd. with which it shares characters such as a densely flowered inflorescence and flowers with a bicarinate labellum that has a basal transverse row of dentiform calli. From G. rosea it differs in its smaller plant size 7.78" vs 12 to 16" [19.3 vs. 30-40 cm] tall, shorter inflorescence peduncle 2.32 vs 4 to 4.8" [5.8 vs. 10-12 cm] and labellum with an obcuneate-subquadrate (not ovate) epichile. Another close relative is Goodyera perrieri (Schltr.) Schltr. which also has a bicarinate labellum. However it differs from G. goudotii in having a laxly 8 to 12 flowered inflorescence with flowers in which the labellum has two parallel (not transverse) crests of subulate calli and a triangular (not obcuneate-subquadrate) epichile." Ormerod & Cavestro 2006
Synonyms *Goodyera goudotii Ormerod & Cavestro 2006
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Taiwania, 51(3): 153-161, Notulae Goodyerinae (III) Ormerod 2006 as Goodyera goudotii drawing fide;