Pleurothallis anderssonii Luer 1996 SUBGENUS Acuminatia SECTION Acuminatae Luer 1986

TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website

Deep shade Cool Cold Fall

Common Name Anderson's Pleurothallis [Swedish Co discoverer of species current]

Flower Size .2" [5 mm]

Found in Loja province of Ecuador at elevations of 1750 to 2800 meters as a mini-miniature to small sized, cool to cold growing, scandent epiphyte with erect, prolific, producing another ramicaul from the apex of the last,slender, erect ramicaul enveloped by a tubular sheath near the middle and another at the base and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, broadly elliptical, obtuse, rounded and contracted below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the fall on an erect, arising through a narrow spathe, 4 to 8.8" [10 to 22 cm] long, including the peduncle .8 to 1.6" [2 to 4 cm] long, strict, subcongested, distichous, simultaneoulsy many flowered inflorescence with an oblique, acute, as long as or longer than the pedicel floral bract.

"The ramicauls are prolific, and the leaves are broadly elliptic and obtuse. The flowers are produced in erect, elongate, multiflowered racemes. The sepals are sharply acute and the petals are obtuse with the single vein prominent externally. The lip is oblong and thickened below the middle with erect broadly rounded margins." Luer 1999

Synonyms Anathallis anderssonii (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001; Specklinia anderssonii (Luer) Luer 2004

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* Lindleyana 11: 144–145 Luer 1996 Drawing fide;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XVIII Systematics of Pleurothallis subsection Antenniferae, Longiracemosae, Macrophyllae-racemosae and Subgenera Pseudsostelis and Acuminata Luer 1999

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XVIII Systematics of Pleurothallis subsection Antenniferae, Longiracemosae, Macrophyllae-racemosae and Subgenera Pseudsostelis and Acuminata Luer 1999 drawing fide;

Lindleyana 16(4): 247 Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001 as Anathallis andersonii;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004 as Specklinia andersonii;

Lankesteriana 13: 329 Karremans 2014 as Stelis lennartii

