SUBGENUS Acuminatia SECTION Acuminatae Luer 1986

Characterized by the ramicaul longer or as long as the petiolate to subpetiolate base leaf that is never sessile. The racemose inflorescence arises laterally either singly and successively or several simultaneously in a fascile arsiing from an annulus shortly below the abscission layer. The flowers arise mostly simultaneously in short to elongate racemose inflorescence and have the three sepals free, similar and pubescent within, the broadly obtuse to rounded apically petals are small and entire as well as the oblong lip is generally shallowly concave centrally between parellel calli or erect margins below the middle. The lip is also variously callous or lobedThe column is slender and carries a ventral anther and stigma with a pair of pollina that are attached to a single, small viscidium. The column foot is well developed and extends beyond the end of the ovary and is slender or narrowly longitudinally winged. The lip is delicately hinged to the lip.

TYPE species for the SECTION

!Pleurothallis regalis Luer 1979

  1. Pleurothallis acuminata (Kunth) Lindl. 1842 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  2. Pleurothallis anderssonii Luer 1996 Ecuador

  3. Pleurothallis ariasii Luer & Hirtz 1997 Peru

  4. Pleurothallis aristulata Lindl.1859 Brazil

  5. Pleurothallis asperilinguis Rchb. f. & Warsz. 1854 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  6. Pleurothallis attenuata Rolfe 1909 Brazil

  7. Pleurothallis bevilacquana Carnevali & I.Ramírez 2000 vENEZUELA

  8. Pleurothallis bocainensis Porto & Brade 1938 publ. 1940 Brazil

  9. Pleurothallis candida Luer & Hirtz 1999 Peru

  10. Pleurothallis carvalhoi Luer & Toscano 2002 Brazil

  11. Pleurothallis concinna Luer & R.Vásquez 1999 Bolivia

  12. Pleurothallis convergens R.C.J.Gerard 1899 Brazil

  13. Pleurothallis coripatae Luer & R.Vásquez 1980 Bolivia

  14. Pleurothallis crebrifolia (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  15. Pleurothallis depauperata Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  16. Pleurothallis dimidia Luer 1999 Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia

  17. Pleurothallis dolichopus Schlechter 1912 Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador

  18. Pleurothallis dryadum Schltr. 1922 Brazil

  19. Pleurothallis eugenii Pabst 1956 Brazil

  20. Pleurothallis exigua Cogn. 1896 Guyana, Brazil

  21. Pleurothallis gert-hatschbachii Hoehne 1950 Brazil

  22. Pleurothallis graveolens Pabst 1975 Brazil

  23. Pleurothallis heterophylla (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn.1896 Brazil

  24. Pleurothallis jesupiorum Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  25. Pleurothallis lagarophyta Luer 1999 Peru

  26. Pleurothallis linearifolia Cogn. 1896 Brazil

  27. Pleurothallis maguirei Luer 1999 Venezuela and Guyana

  28. Pleurothallis malmeana Dutra ex Pabst 1959 Brazil

  29. Pleurothallis mediocarinata C.Schweinf. 1970 Peru and Bolivia

  30. Pleurothallis meridana Rchb.f. 1850 Colombia and Venezuela

  31. Pleurothallis ourobranquensis [Campacci & Menini] in ed. Brazil

    Pleurothallis pabstii Garay 1953 Brazil

  32. Pleurothallis petersiana Schltr. 1918 Brazil

  33. Pleurothallis pubipetala Hoehne 1930 Brazil

  34. Pleurothallis puttemansii Hoehne 1929 Brazil

  35. Pleurothallis radialis Porto & Brade 1937 Brazil

  36. Pleurothallis ramulosa Lindl. 1859 Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela

  37. !Pleurothallis regalis Luer 1979 Ecuador

  38. Pleurothallis rubens Lindl. 1836 Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil

  39. Pleurothallis scariosa (Lex.) Lindl. 1842 Mexico

  40. Pleurothallis schlimii Luer 1999 Colombia

  41. Pleurothallis sclerophylla Lindl. 1835-6 Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Surinam and Brazil

  42. Pleurothallis simpliciglossa Loefgr. 1918 Brazil

  43. Pleurothallis soratana Rchb.f. 1881 Bolivia

  44. Pleurothallis sororcula Schltr. 1922 Brazil

  45. Pleurothallis spannageliana Hoehne 1920 Brazil

  46. Pleurothallis spathilabia Schltr. 1924 Colombia & Ecuador

  47. Pleurothallis spathulifolia C.Schweinf. 1942 Peru

  48. Pleurothallis spathuliformis Luer & R.Vásquez 1999 Bolivia

  49. Pleurothallis stenophylla F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. 1899 Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

  50. Pleurothallis unduavica Luer & R.Vásquez 1980 Bolivia

  51. Pleurothallis vasquezii Luer 1981 Bolivia
