Pleurothallis folsomii (Luer & Endara) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 SUBGENUS Pleurothallis SECTION Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae Lindl 1859
Photo by Mark Wilson
Comparison lip photos of P celsia, P folsomii and P carduela
Comparison photo by A; Moreno, B; Wilson and C; Gelis and LANKESTERIANA 23(2): 401–407. Gal.-Tar. & J.S.Moreno 2023
TYPE Drawing of Acronia folsomii by Carl Luer
Common Name or Meaning Folsom's Pleurothallis [American Orchid Researcher and collector of the type current]
Flower Size .2" [ 5 mm]
Found in Chiriqui province of Panama at elevations of 1400 to 1700 meters as a miniature to small sized, cool growing, caespitose epiphyte with stout, erect ramicauls enveloped by a tubular, bract in the lower third and 2 to 3 others at the base carrying a single, spreading, coriaceous, ovate, obtuse, acuminate, sessile, deeply cordate, basal lobes overlapping base leaf that blooms in the later summer, fall and winter on a reclining, all concealed by the broad spathe,fascile of .08 to .12" [2 to 3 mm] long peduncles, simultaneously 2 to 8 single flowered inflorescence with an as long as to just shorter than the pedicel floral bract.
" It is most similar to the sympatric P homalantha, but P folsomii is characterized by a larger habit with stout ramicauls that bear a horizontal, deeply cordate leaf. The larger flowers are borne singly, or in a few-flowered fascicle from a short but large and broad spathe at the base of the leaf. The sepals are obtuse, the dorsal is six-veined, the petals are oblong, and the lip is oblong with the apex rounded. The petals are minutely serrate in Folsom's first collection, but are smooth in subsequent collections, all else being equal." Luer as Acronia folsomii 2005
Synonyms *Acronia folsomii Luer & Endara 2005
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVII Systematics of Dryadella Systematics of Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae Luer 2005 as Acronia folsomii
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVII Systematics of Dryadella Systematics of Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae Luer 2005 as Acronia folsomii drawing fide;
* Quart. Suppl. Int. Reg. Orchid Hybrids 122(1308): 76 (Luer & Endara) J.M.H.Shaw 2014;
Lankesteriana 14(3): 241. (Luer & L. Endara) Bogarín 2014 nom superf.;
* LANKESTERIANA 23(2): 401–407. Gal.-Tar. & J.S.Moreno 2023 Photo fide