Pleurothallis callosa Diaz & Pupulin 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis calolalax Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia
Pleurothallis canaligera Rchb.f 1877 Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis canidentis Luer & R. Escobar 1998 Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia
Pleurothallis cardiochila L.O. Williams 1942 Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis cardiocrepis Rchb.f.1888 Peru?
Pleurothallis cardiophylax Rchb.f. 1888 Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis cardiostola Rchb. f. 1854 Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis cardiothallis Rchb.f 1857 Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis carduela (Luer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Ecuador
Pleurothallis carmensotoana Mark Wilson & B.T. Larsen 2022 Ecuador, Peru
Pleurothallis carnosa Braid 1924 Colombia
Pleurothallis carrenoi Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1987 Venezuela
Pleurothallis cassidata Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia
Pleurothallis castanea Mark Wilson, G.Merino & J.D.Werner 2016 Ecuador
Pleurothallis caucensis Mark Wilson 2017 Colombia
Pleurothallis cauda-hirundinis Luer & J.Portilla 2002 Ecuador
Pleurothallis cedrinorum Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis celsia Gal.-Tar. & J.S.Moreno 2023 Colombia
Pleurothallis chama Luer 1977 Ecuador
Pleurothallis chaparensis (Luer & R.Vásquez) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Bolivia
Pleurothallis chavezii Luer 1996 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis chicalensis M.M.Jiménez & Baquero 2018 Ecuador
Pleurothallis cobriformis L.O.Williams 1940 Panama
Pleurothallis complanata Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis compressa Luer 1996 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis conformalis Luer & Dalström 2003 Ecuador
Pleurothallis conicostigma Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis constricta Luer & R.Escobar R. 1998 Colombia
Pleurothallis convexa Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis cordata (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. 1830 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
Pleurothallis cordifolia Rchb.f. & Wagener 1854 Costa Rica, Panama, Venzuela, Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis coriacardia Rchb. f. 1854 Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis correllii Luer 1976 Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico
Pleurothallis corysta Luer 1978 Ecuador
Pleurothallis crateriformis C.Schweinf. 1951 Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis crossota Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis crucifera Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis culpameae (Luer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Ecuador
Pleurothallis cuzcoensis [Luer] ined. Peru
Pleurothallis cutucuensis Luer 1977 Ecuador
Pleurothallis cyanea Luer & R. Escobar 1984 Colombia
Pleurothallis dariensis (Kolan. & Szlach.) Bogarín 2014 Panama
Pleurothallis deflexa Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis dejavu Luer & Hirtz 1988Ecuador
Pleurothallis depressa Luer & R. Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis dewildei Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia
Pleurothallis diabolica Luer & R. Escobar 1981 Colombia Ecuador
Pleurothallis diazii (Luer & Endara) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Peru
Pleurothallis dibolia Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis dilemma Luer 2001 Ecuador
Pleurothallis discoidea Lindl. 1835 Trinidad, Venezuela, Surinam, French Guiana, Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis dorotheae Luer 1980 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis dracuncula (Luer & Hirtz) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Ecuador
Pleurothallis drewii Luer 2000 Ecuador
Pleurothallis dubbeldamii Luer 2003 No Collection Data
Pleurothallis ensata Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis epiglottis Luerb 1980 Ecuador
Pleurothallis erythrium Luer 1978 Ecuador
Pleurothallis escobarii (Luer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Colombia
Pleurothallis excavata Schltr. 1923 Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis fantastica Ames 1936 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis folsomii (Luer & Endara) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Panama
Pleurothallis fonnegrae (Luer & Endara) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Colombia
Pleurothallis fossulata Luer & R.Escobar 1998 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis franciana Sierra-Aziz 2023 Colombia
Pleurothallis galerita Luer 1981 Ecuador
Pleurothallis ganymedes Luer & R.Escobar 1981 Colombia
Pleurothallis gargantua Luer 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis geographica Luer 1977 Ecuador
Pleurothallis gigiportillae A.Doucette & J.Portilla 2016 Ecuador
Pleurothallis giraffa Luer 1979 Ecuador
Pleurothallis giraldoi Luer 1999 Colombia
Pleurothallis glabra Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis globosa Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis gonzaleziorum Pupulin, Diaz & Pridgeon 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis gonzaloi J.S. Moreno, Rinc.-González &
Gal.-Tar 2022 Colombia
Pleurothallis grandiflora Lindl. 1835 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
Pleurothallis grandilingua Pupuplin, M Diaz and Pridgeon 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis grobleri (Luer & Hirtz) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Ecuador
Pleurothallis hemileuca Luer 1982 Panama
Pleurothallis hoeijeri Luer & Hirtz 1988 Ecuador
Pleurothallis homalantha Schltr.1923 El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Brazil
Pleurothallis imperialis Luer 1975 Ecuador and Colombia
Pleurothallis index Luer 1980 Ecuador and Colombia
Pleurothallis isthmica Luer 1977 Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis jaramilloi Luer 2001 Colombia
Pleurothallis jupiter Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis kashi-menkakarai Mashendo-Jimbicti, Vélez-Abarca & M.M.Jiménez 2023 Ecuador
Pleurothallis killipii Garay 1956 Colombia
Pleurothallis lacera Luer 1975 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis lanigera Luer & Hirtz 1988 Ecuador
Pleurothallis lapoi M.M.Jiménez & Vélez-Abarca 2023 Ecuador
Pleurothallis latipetala Garay 1952 Colombia
Pleurothallis lemniscifolia Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis leucantha Schltr. 1912 Guatemala
Pleurothallis lilijae Foldats 1968 Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis linguifera Lindl. 1859 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela
Pleurothallis llanganatensis (Luer & Hirtz) J.M.H.Shaw 2014
Pleurothallis longipetala Bogarin & Belfort 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis loreae Carnevali & I.Ramírez 2003 Venezuela
Pleurothallis luna-crescens Pupulin, J.Aguilar & Mel.Fernández 2017 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis lunaris Luer & R.Escobar 1981 Colombia
Pleurothallis lynniana [Luer] Comb. novo. Pfahl 2012 Ecuador
Pleurothallis macra Lindl. 1859 Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis macrocardia Rchb.f. 1855 Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia
Pleurothallis maduroi Luer 1997 Panama
Pleurothallis magnipetala C.Schweinf. 1951 Peru
Pleurothallis mahechae J.S. Moreno, Sierra-Ariza & L.C. Pina 2022 Colombia
Pleurothallis marioandresavilae Vélez-Abarca & M.M.Jiménez 2023 Ecuador, Peru
Pleurothallis marioi Zambrano & Solano 2017 Ecuador
Pleurothallis marthae Luer & R. Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis mastodon Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis matudana C. Schweinf. 1938 Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Bolivia
Pleurothallis megaglossa Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis megalorhina Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis mesopotamica Bogarin & Belfort 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis microcardia Rchb.f. 1855 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
Pleurothallis millei Schltr. 1915 Ecuador
Pleurothallis miniatura (Luer, Thoerle & F.Werner) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Ecuador
Pleurothallis minutilabia Mark Wilson, Tobar & Á.J.Pérez 2018 Ecuador
Pleurothallis muriculata Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis navisepala Pupulin, J.Aguilar & M.Díaz 2017 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis neobarbosae J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Peru
Pleurothallis neorinkei A.Doucette 2016 Colombia
Pleurothallis nephroglossa Schltr. 1921 Ecuador
Pleurothallis nipterophylla C.A.Luer 1976 Ecuador
Pleurothallis nitida Luer 1977 Panama
Pleurothallis nossax Luer & R. Escobar 1981 Colombia
Pleurothallis octavioi Luer & R.Escobar R. 1981 Colombia
Pleurothallis omoglossa Luer 1976 Ecuador
Pleurothallis oncoglossa Luer 1996 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis ortegae Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis orygmoglossa (Luer & Dressler) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 Panama
Pleurothallis oscarii Archila & Chiron 2011 Guatemala
Pleurothallis oxapampae Luer 1982 Peru
Pleurothallis palliolata Ames 1922 Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schltr. 1912 Mexico, Guatemalla, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua
Pleurothallis papillingua A.Doucette & J.Portilla 2016 Ecuador
Pleurothallis paquishae Luer 1996 Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis peculiaris Luer 1976 Panama
Pleurothallis pelicophora Luer 2001 Ecuador
Pleurothallis penelops Luer 1978 Ecuador
Pleurothallis perijaensis Dunst. 1978 Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis peroniocephala Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis perryi Luer 1979 Ecuador
Pleurothallis persimilis Luer & Hirtz 2003 Ecuador
Pleurothallis petroana Sierra-Ariza 2023 Colombia
Pleurothallis phyllocardia Rchb.f. 1866 Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis phyllocardioides Schltr. 1923 Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela
Pleurothallis phymatodea Luer 1976 Ecuador
Pleurothallis pileata Luer & R.Escobar 1982 Colombia
Pleurothallis platypetala Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis platysepala Schltr. 1920 Colombia
Pleurothallis portillae Luer 1979 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis prolaticollaris Luer 1977 Ecuador
Pleurothallis pudica Pupulin, J.Aguilar & M.Díaz 2017 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis pyelophera [Luer] comb. novo. Pfahl 2013 Ecuador
Pleurothallis quitu-cara Carrera & Baquero 2018 Ecuador
Pleurothallis radula Luer 1979 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis ramiromedinae Thoerle & Hirtz 2018 Colombia, Ecuador
Pleurothallis rectipetala Ames & Schweinf. 1925 Panama
Pleurothallis recurvata Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis reginae Garay 1953 Colombia
Pleurothallis reptans Luer 1981 Ecuador
Pleurothallis rhinocera (Luer & Sijm) J.M.H.Shaw 2013 Ecuador
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schltr.1922 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis rikseniana Mark Wilson & B.T. Larsen 2022 ?Ecuador?
Pleurothallis ripleyi Luer 1979 Ecuador
Pleurothallis ruberrima Lindley 1846 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela
Pleurothallis rubrifolia Mark Wilson, Tobar & Salas Guerr. 2016 Ecuador, Peru
Pleurothallis rubroinversa Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis rugosa Luer & R.Escobar 1982 Colombia
Pleurothallis sabanillae M.M.Jiménez & Vélez-Abarca 2023 Ecuador
Pleurothallis sagittilabia Luer 1998 Colombia
Pleurothallis sanchoi Ames 1923 Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama
Pleurothallis sannio Luer & R.Escobar 1988 Colombia
Pleurothallis sarcochila Garay 1953 Ecuador
Pleurothallis scabrilinguis Lindl. 1836 Colombia Ecuador and Peru
Pleurothallis scaphipetala Luer 1996 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis scotinantha Pupulin, M.Díaz & J.Aguilar 2017 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis scurrula Luer 1976 Peru
Pleurothallis semiscabra Lindl. 1846 Venezuela
Pleurothallis sergioi Luer & R.Escobar 2003 Colombia
Pleurothallis serricardia Schltr. 1924 Colombia
Pleurothallis sigynes Luer 1976 Colombia & Ecuador
Pleurothallis silvae-pacis Karremans 2011 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis siphoglossa Luer & R. Escobar 1996 Colombia
Pleurothallis sotarae Schltr. 1920 Colombia
Pleurothallis sphaerantha Luer 1975 Ecuador
Pleurothallis stelidilabia Luer 1979 Ecuador
Pleurothallis stellata I.Ramírez & Carnevali 2003 Venezuela
Pleurothallis stenosepala Rolfe 1892 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
Pleurothallis stenota Luer 1977 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis subtilis C.Schweinf. 1951 Venezuela and Colombia
Pleurothallis x subversa Pupulin & Bogarin 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis tamaensis Foldats 1968 northwestern Venezuela
Pleurothallis tapatiensis Pupulin, M Diaz & Pridgeon 2021 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis teaguei Luer 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis tinajillensis M.M.Jiménez, H. Garzón & Vélez-Abarca 2023 Ecuador
Pleurothallis titan Luer 1977 Panama and Colombia
Pleurothallis tobarii [Luer & Hirtz] comb. novo. Pfahl 2012 Ecuador
Pleurothallis tonduzii Schltr. 1918 Costa Rica, Panama and Peru?
Pleurothallis trachysepala Kraenzl. 1905 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Pleurothallis tragulosa Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis transversilabia Carnevali & I.Ramírez 2000 Venezuela
Pleurothallis triangulilabia C.Schweinf. 1937 Costa Rica
Pleurothallis tridentata Klotzsch 1840 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru? and Bolivia?
Pleurothallis troglodytes Luer 1982 Ecuador
Pleurothallis tyria Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis undulata Poepp. & Endl. 1836 Peru
Pleurothallis upanoensis Luer & Hirtz 2003 Ecuador
Pleurothallis valladolidensis Luer 1983 Ecuador
Pleurothallis variabilis Luer 1979 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis villahermosae Sierra-Ariza, Rinc.-González & Villanueva 2022 Colombia
Pleurothallis vinealis Luer & R.Escobar 1986 Colombia and Ecuador
Pleurothallis volans Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador
Pleurothallis whitteniana MWilson & B T Larsen 2022 Ecuador, Peru
Pleurothallis zarumae Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador