Pleurothallis serratifolia [Rinc.-González & Karremans] in ed. SUBGENUS Apoda-Propentia Luer 1986
LCDP Photo by © Juan Sebastian Moreno
Common Name or Meaning The Serrate Leaf Pleurothallis
Flower Size .2" [.5 cm]
Found in Tolima department of Colombia at elevations of 2000 to 3000 meters as a small sized, cold growing, pendent epiphyte with a creeping, descending rhizome giving rise to cylindrical, ramicauls enveloped completely by tubular, papyraceous, widening towards the apex sheaths and carrying a single, apical, pendent, coriaceous, conduplicate, mottled with purple adaxially and completely purple beneath, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, conspicuously papillose adaxially, margin serrate, emarginate apically, with a dorsal keel, subpetiolate base leaf that blooms in the late spring through earlier fall on terminal, arising through a conspicuous, papyraceous spathe that envelops the inflorescernce completly, successively single, few flowered inflorescence with tubular, shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying resupinate, dark purple flowers..
Similar to P portilloi but the new species has serrate leaves, purple flowers, papillose-pubescent sepals, the lateral sepals fused only for half their length, ajd an oblanceolate-ligulate lip. P portilloi has entire leaves, yellow suffused with oranger red flowers, glabrous sepals, lateral sepals fused to the apex and an oblong-obovate lip.
Synonyms *Acianthera serratifolia Rinc.-González & Karremans 2015
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Nomenclatural notes in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae): Apoda-prorepentia 2015 ;
Pleurothallids Neotropical Jewels Vol 1 Karremans & Viera 2020 as Acianthera serratifolia photo fide