Pleurothallis sotoarenasii [Solano] in ed. SUBGENUS Effusae Luer 2000 Drawing by © R. Solano Lankesteriana Vol 9 pg450 2010 Common Name Soto Arenas's Pleurothallis [Mexican Botanist passed 2009]
Flower Size .12 to .148" [3 to 3.7 mm]
Found in Oaxaca state of Mexico in pine/oak forests on oaks at elevations of 1500 to 2200 meters as a small sized, cool to cold growing, caespitose epiphyte with 2 internoded ramicauls enveloped completely by tubular, obtuse, carinate, mucronate, scarious sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, fleshy, oblanceolate, rouned, lightly recurved apcially, attenuate and canaliculate below into the subpetiolate base leaf that bloooms in the spring through summer arising through a conduplicate, triangular, obtuse, scarious spathe on a racemose, shorter than the leaf, reclining on the leaf surface, peduncle cylindric, 1.3 to 2.3 cm] long, provided with 2, tubular, oblique, obtuse, membraneous bracts, 1.2 to 2" [3 to 5 cm] long, 4 to 8 flowered inflorescence with tubular-infudibuliform, obtuse, shortly apiculate, membraneous, shorter to just as long as the ovary florl bracts and carrying slightly hanging, bilabiate flowers.
Synonyms *Stelis sotoarenasii Solano 2010
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Lankesteriana 9: 450 Solano 2010 as Stelis sotoarenas drawing fide