Barbosella ricii Luer & R. Vásquez 2000 SUBGENUS Barbosella

Photo courtesy of Nigel Carter

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer

Common Name Rici's Barbosella [Bolivian Orchid Enthsiast current]

Flower Size .2" [5 mm]

Endemic to Santa Cruz department of Bolivia in wet montane forests at elevations around 600 to 650 meters as a mini-mininature sized, warm growing, densely caespitose to very shortly ascending-repent epiphyte with ascending to erect ramicauls enveloped by 2 to 3, thin, tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, fleshy, thickly coriaceous, narrowly fusiform, ovoid, terete to semi-terete, linear, narrowly subacute, more or less abruptly narrowing below into the sessile base leaf that blooms in the winter on a slender, erect, 2 to 2.8" [5 to 8 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence with a thin, tubular, envelopes the pedicel floral bract and holds the flower above the leaves.

"Closely related to B prorepens but the flowers are larger, it has narrowly fusiform-ovoid leaves that abruptly narrow below into the sessile base and very short ramicauls. The extremely abbreviated rhizome create great masses of densely packed leaves that accumulate on large tree trunks." luer 2000

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XX Systematics of Jostia, Andinia, Barbosella, Barbrodia & Pleurothallis subgen Antilla, Effusia and Restrepioidia Luer 2000 drawing fide; Orchids of Bolivia Vol 1 Vasquez & Ibisch 2000;
