Cyrtochilum fernandezii Morillo & Dalström 2012

TYPE Drawing

Photo/TYPE Drawing by © G Morillo & Stig Dalström

Common Name Fernandez's Cyrtochilum [Venezuelan Orchid Enthusaist current]

Flower Size

Found in Venezuela in paramo at elevations around 3080 to 3300 meters as a medium sized, cold growing terrestrial with a caespitose to slightly creeping, bracteate rhizome giving rise to ovoid pseudobulbs enveloped basally by several, distichous, foliaceous sheaths and carrying 1 to 2, apical, elliptic, conduplicate, obtuse and apiculate apically, conduplicate below into the subpetiolate base leaves that blooms in the winter on an axillary, erect to arching, weakly flexuous, paniculate, spreading to almost straight branches, 3 to 7 flowered, many flowered inflorescence.

The inflorescence length was not recorded as only the panicle was available as the type.

Similar to C ramosissimum, C densiflorum and C leucopterum but differs from the first in the smaller flowers with forward projecting petals and a finely pubescent apical lip callus, and from the second by the slightly larger flowers that are differently colored and the finely pubescent and more elaborate callus of the lip and from the third by the lip callus that is basally glabrous and finely pubescent apically and a club shaped column without distinct lateral lobes or ridges which makes the lip narrower at the base than at the apex.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Lankesteriana 12: 103 Morillo & Dalström 2012 Drawing fide

