Cyrtochilum pollex Dalstrom & Trujillo 2022 SECTION Myanthium Lindley

TYPE Drawing

Photo by Guido Deburghgraeve/TYPE Drawing by © Stig Dalstrom and LANKESTERIANA 22(2): 111–116 Dalstrom & Trujillo 2022

Common Name The Thumbed Cyrtochilum [refers to the tiny thumb-like appendage, on each side of the stigma]

Flower Size .5" [1.25 cm]

Found in Amazonas department of Peru at elevations around 3300 meters as a miniature to small sized, cold growing, caespitose epiphyte with close set, ovoid, enveloped basally by 3 to 6 floliaceous sheaths and carrying a single, elliptic, acuminate, conduplicate below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the fall and again in the spring on an axillary, from the base of the pseudobulb and the uppermost sheath, wiry, to ca. 28" [70 cm] long panicle, with widely spaced side branches carrying clusters of 6 to ca. 15 flowers, with appressed, scale-like, acute, shorter to longer than the ovary floral bracts.

"Cyrtochilum pollex is similar to C. fIdicularium and C. gracile , in having an extra thumb-like projection above the rounded ventral lobe of the column. Cyrtochilum pollex differs from C. fidicularium in having more sharply pointed and forward projecting callus keels on the lip and a longer front lobe of the lip versus blunt and downward directed lobes in C. fidicularium. Cyrtochilum pollex differs from C. gracile by the long and wiry inforescence versus a more sub-erect and straighter panicle in C. gracile." Dalstrom & Trujillo 2022


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * LANKESTERIANA 22(2): 111–116 Dalstrom & Trujillo 2022drawing fide;

