Elleanthus sytsmae (Szlach. & Kolan.) J.M.H.Shaw 2017 SECTION Epilyna

TYPE Drawing by © N Oledrzynska

cool LATEFall

Common Name Sytsma's Elleanthus [American Botanist current]

Flower Size

Found in Chiriqui province of Panama in low cloud forests at elevations of 1050 to 1100 meters as a miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with a slender branching from near the base stem enveloped by leaf sheaths and carrying ovate-elliptic, emarginate with a minute mucro leaves that blooms in the fall on an erect, terminal, branching, 1" [2.5 cm] long, laxly few flowered inflorescence with ovate, sparsely furfuraceous, somewhat shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying white flowers dotted with brown and externally furfuraceous.

"Similar to Elleanthus jimenezii and E embreei but differs in the trilobed lip with lateral lobes that do not exceed the base of the middle lobe and by the bifid middle lobe. E jimenezii has an unlobed, obovate lip with lacerate margins. In E embreei the lateral lobes of the lip extend almost to the apex of the entire, erose middle lobe." Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023

Synonyms *Epilyna sytsmae Szlach. & Kolan. 2016

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Ann. Bot. Fenn. 53: 16 2016 as Epilyna embreei2

*Orchid Rev. 125: 57 J M H Shaw 2017

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:351 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 as Epilyna sytsmae drawing fide

