~Epidendrum tricarinatum Rolfe 1917 - See Epidendrum marcocyphum Kraenzl. 1905 GROUP Secundum SUBGROUP Secundum
TYPE Drawing of E reflexilobum by © Schweinfurth
Common Name The Three Keeled Epidendrum
Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]
Found in Colombia and Peru on rocks amongst shrubs at elevations around 3070 meters as a small sized, cold growing lithophyte with decumbent basally, erect, above, leafy stem carrying distichous, apparently fleshy, 9 or less, ovate-oblong, to oblong to elliptic-oblong to rarely ovate, rounded, minutely bilobed apically, basally clasping leaves that blooms on a terminal, erect, peduncle straight, elongate to 17.4" or more [43.5 cm or more] long, enveloped completely by numerous, close, tubular, scarious sheaths, rachis nodding, to 1.6" [4 cm] long, more or less densely several to many flowered inflorescence with narrowly triangular, long-acuminate, spreading, lower ones longer floral bracts and carrying small, scarlet or crimson flowers with yellow on the lip and recurved sepals and petals and reflexed lateral lobes of the lip.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Peru Vol 2 Schweinfurth 1959 drawing fide; Fieldiana Biology, Vol 33, 1st Supple. to the Orchids of Peru Schweinfurth 1970; Orquideas, Tesoro de Colombia Vol 2 Ortiz & Uribe 2017;