Habenaria zamudioana R.González 1997
TYPE Drawings by Jorge Roberto González Tamayo and Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
Common Name Zamudio's Habenaria [Mexican Orchid Enthusiast and collector of the TYPE current]
Flower Size
Found in Michoacan state of Mexico in in a disturbed oak grove, between rocks of volcanic origin, at elevations around 2,500 meters as a small to just medium sized, cold growing terrestrial with an ellipsoid, rugose tuber giving rise to an erect, leafy throughout stem carrying 6 to 11, leathery, straight, crooked or coiled, sheathed, the sheath shortens as it ascends, the first two close together, sometimes intertwined, cuculated, gradually dilated upwards, then they suddenly produce a well-developed lamina, the largest of which is above half the number total and the two bract-like terminals floral but much larger, all close and equidistant; extended or slightly ascending blade, at the bottom elliptical, then ovate-lanceolate and at the end lanceolate, obtuse and apiculate or acuminate, the largest 1.6 to 2.76" [4 to 6.9 cm] long, .53 to 1.28" [1.3 to 3.2 cm] wide, with five main ribs carinate, hyaline margins emerald green color leaves that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, terminal, 2.2 to 7" [5.5 to 17.5 cm] long, in a loose, cylindrical cluster, 7 to 19 flowered inflorescence with concave, conduplicate, ascending, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, fleshy, asymmetrical, keel and hyaline, glandular margins, with three main nerves and 1 on each side shorter,exceeds most flowers, uppermost somewhat shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying green flowers..
"Habenaria zamudioana differs from the related, H diffusa by its leaves ascending, crooked, with the margins volute; in most of the time the bracts are larger than flowers; lateral sepals lanceolate to ovadolanceolate; nectary in the distal part oblique, fusiform, subapiculate, shorter than the ovary and as long as such as labellum. Of other species with green flowers, Habenaria zamudioana can be confused with H. filifera however, is distinguished by the fact that the latter produces the basal leaves very close and in general extended, attached to the ascent; The anther channels and rostellum arms are and the caudicle is almost always shorter than the pollinius, the hemispherical viscide, is large for the size of the pollinary. Habenaria felipensis is distinguished by the fact that the ovary is coarser and thicker, slightly arched; the middle lobe does not dilate in the breast, and is barely little longer than the side lobes, which they are little diversified and the two segments of the petals are the same size." Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández 2010
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1: 139 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010 drawing fide;