Kipandiorchis jiewhoei P.O'Byrne & Gokusing 2017 TYPE Drawing by Peter O'Byrne


Common Name Tan Jiew Hoe's Kipandiorchis [Sabahan Suporter of Kipandi Park current]

Flower Size .12 to .16" [3 to 4 mm]

Found in Sabah Borneo primary regrowth forests in rolling hills on mossy tree trunks and branches at elevations of 300 to 400 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot growing epiphyte with with a descending to spreading, leafy for most of its length, slightly compressed stems carrying several, spreading, broadly elliptic, to unequaally obovate, sometimes subfalcate, green, very thick and fleshy, obtuse and unequally bilobed, lobes obtuse to subacute, sheaths overlappinggreen, thick, persistent, loosely embracing the stem that blooms in the later winter and early spring on several at a time, lateral, emerging from the leaf axil, descending, peduncle .08 to .12 [2 to 3 mm] long, widening towards the apex, green, rachis .12 to .3" [3 to 7.5 mm], terminating in an ovate, fleshy bracts, successively single, 10 to 40 flowered inflorescence with crowded, spreading in all directions, triangular, acuminate, longitudinally folded, keeled, pale green, acute, persistent, shorter to just longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying ephemeral, red flowers that do not open well.

Differs from K jamirusii in smaller flowers with sepals less than .16" [4 mm] a lip mid lobe upper surface covered in finger-shaped hairs and a non-vestigal column foot." O'Byrne 2017


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 20 P.O'Byrne 2017 photo/drawing fide;
