Malaxis panamensis Kolan. 2014 SECTION Umbellatae SERIES Umbellatae

TYPE Drawing by Kolanowska

Full shade Warm Cool

Common Name The Panamanian Malaxis

Flower Size

Found in Chiriqui province of Panama at elevations around 700 to 1200 meters as a small sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial with pseudobulbs covered by leaf bearing sheaths and carrying 2, apical, ovate, long-acuminate, acute truncate and narrowing below into the sessile base leaf that blooms in the spring on an erect, 3.6 to 4.4" [9 to 11 cm] long, rachis .6 to 1.08" [1.5 to 2.7 cm] long, subumbellate, dense, many flowered inflorescence with triangular-ovate, acute, much shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying small, non-resupinate, whitish green flowers.

M panamensis is similar to M woodsonii but differs in the middle tooth of the lip is longer than the adjacent lateral teeth vs shorter than the lateral teeth in M woodsonii. the basal lip auricles are triangluar versus linear-lanceolate. Also similar to M excavata but it has ovate- lanceolate to ovate [much longer than wide] vs broadly ovate [almost as wide to wider than long]. M excavata also has the lip cavities are much smaller and the middle tooth is twice as longas the lateral teeth vs just longer than the lateral teeth as in M panamaensis."Szlatchetko & Kolanowska


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

*J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 141: 93 Kolanowska 2014

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:136 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide
