SECTION Parviflorum Dalstrom 2020

"Pseudobulbs generally but not always with 2 apical leaves, sometimes mottled and speckled with brown or purple, Flowers generally non-resupinate, rarely resupinate and if so, only one centimeter or less across, sepals and petals plae olive brown to dark brown, or yellow with brown spots, column with the lower part in the same horizontal plane wit as the ovary, striaght, without a hood but with large lateral apical wings, generally but not always with distinct brown spots near hte base and a stigma divided by the rostellum into two separate lobes." Dalstrom, Higgins & Deburghgraeve 2020

Section nominal Type species = ! = Odontoglossum tigroides C.Schweinf 1945


  1. Odontoglossum flavobrunneum (Senghas) Dalström & W.E.Higgins 2018 Peru

  2. Odontoglossum galianoi (Dalström & P.Nuñez) Dalström Peru

  3. Odontoglossum koechlinianum (Collantes & G.Gerlach) Dalström 2012 Peru

  4. !Odontoglossum tigroides C.Schweinf 1945 Peru

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Odontoglossum Story Dalstrom, Higgins & Deburghgraeve 2020
