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Renanthera page

SUBFAMILY Epidendrodeae, TRIBE Vandeae, SUBTRIBE Aerangidinae. This genus is comprised of some 15 species from SE Asia to the Philippines. They are best grown in wood slat baskets and as a rule like partial to full sun and unlike Vanda less water and fertilizer after blooming. Otherwize their growing habit is very much like Vanda.

Renanthera Species List

    The species list below was composed with information from the following sources.

    The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids by Alec Pridgeon. Published by the Timber Press

    The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species By Bechtel, Cribb and Launert, Published by The MIT Press

    Growing Orchids, Book 3, J.N. Rentoul, published by Lothian

    A Guide to Growing Orchids of the World, By Hodgson, Paine and Anderson

    Orchids Of Asia, By Teoh Eng Soon, Published by Timber Press

    Species names that are synonyms of an accepted species are denoted with a ~.

    ~alba Ridl. - See Arachnanthe alba

  1. amablis Baxall ex Naves.
  2. - Philippines

  3. angustifolia Hkr.f.
  4. - Perak Malaysia
  5. annamensis Rolfe
  6. - Indo China
  7. arachnites Lindl.
  8. auyongii E.A.Christ.
  9. - Sarawak
  10. bella J.J.Wood
  11. - Borneo - slow growing - minature

    ~bilinguis Rchb.f. - See Arachnanthe bilinguis

  12. coccinea Lour.
  13. - South China, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia - Flowers from March til May -
  14. edefeldtii Muell. & Kraen.
  15. - New Guinea
  16. elongata Lindl.
  17. - Malaysia - Full sun - Warm Grower
  18. evrardii Guil.
  19. - Indochina
  20. flosaeris Rchb.f
  21. -
  22. hennisiana Schltr.
  23. - Burma

    ~histrionica Rchb.f - See Renanthrella histrionica

    ~hookeriana Rchb.f - See Arachnis hookeriana

  24. imshootiana Rolfe
  25. - India, Burma and Indochina - Flowers in Summer
  26. isosepala
  27. - Thailand, Isthmus of Kra - Closely related to coccinea

    ~labrosa Rchb.f - See aArachnanthe bilinguis

  28. leopardina Hort. ex Gentil
  29. lowei Rchb.f.
  30. - Burma

    ~maincathi Auct. - See R. maingayi

    ~maingayi Ridl. - See Arachnanthe maingayi

  31. matutina [Blume] Lindl.
  32. - Malaya, Java and Sumatra - Flowers in Autumn - Hot grower

    ~micrantha Blume - See elongata

  33. moluccana Blume
  34. - Amboin Isl.
  35. monachica Ames
  36. - The Philippines - Flowers in the spring - Warm Grower
  37. moschifera [Blume]Hassk.
  38. - Java
  39. papilio King & Prain.
  40. ~philippinensis L.O.Wms. - See R. storei var philippinensis

  41. pulchella Rolfe
  42. - Burma
  43. ramuana Kraenzl.
  44. - New Guinea

    ~rohaniana Rchb.f - See R. storei

  45. sarcanthoides J.J.Sm.
  46. - Sumatra
  47. storei Rchb.f.
  48. - The Philippines - Flowers in Summer - Hot grower

    var philippinensis

  49. striata Rolfe
  50. sulingl Lindl.
  51. - Java
  52. trichoglottis Ridl.
  53. - Borneo

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