Scaphyglottis chlorantha B.R.Adams 1988
photo by © Ricardo Marin Thiele and hisFlickr Orchid Photo Website
photos by Robert Dressler /TYPE Drawing by © Stig Dalstrom
Common Name The Pale Greenish Scaphyglottis
Flower Size .72 to .76" [1.8 to 1.9 mm]
Found in Panama and Veragua provinces of Panama at lower elevations around 500 meters as a small to medium sized, hot to warm growing, erect to spreading epiphyte with superposed, primary stem caespitose, secondary stems produced 1 to 3 together from the apex of the stem below, slender, somewhat stipitate basally, longitudinally sulcate stems carrying 2 apical, erect-spreading, narrowly lanceolatye to narrowly elliptic, subcoriaceous, unequally bilobulate apically leaves that blooms in the fall on a terminal, initially 1-flowered, subtended by 2 conduplicate bracts up to 2 cm long which conceal the short peduncle, subsequently often developing from basal buds 1 or 2 additional flowers (1-flowered branches), each subtended by several further bracts.
"S. chlorantha is vegetatively very like and evidently closely allied to S. densa (Schltr.) B. R. Adams. It has, however, a more southerly distribution and is well distinguished by its flowers which are larger, have an oblong or ovate-oblong rather than pandurate lip, a column about three-quarters rather than less than half as long as the lip and a substantially deeper nectary." B R Adams 1988
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Phytologia 64: 249 B R Adams 1988