Sertifera risaraldana Szlach. & Baranow 2014 SECTION Racemosae Szlach & Baranow

Another flower in situ Parque Tatama' Choco Colombia 8/17 2400 meters

Closeup in situ Parque de Tatama' Choco Colombia 8/17 2400 meters

Plant and Flowers in situ Parque de Tatama' Choco Colombia 8/17 2400 meters Photos by © Jay Pfahl

TYPE Drawings

TYPE Drawings by © P Baranow

Deep ShadeWarm Cold EARLIERWinter LATE Summer fall

Common Name The Risaralda Sertifera

Flower Size

Found in Risaralda, Choco and Nariño departments of Colombia and Chiborazo, Napo and Pinchincha provinces of Ecuador in humid montane forests at elevations around 650 to 2450 meters as a medium sized, warm to cold growing terrestrial with flexuous, pubescent roots giving rise to an erect, rigid, unbranched, leafy in the apical half stem carrying elliptic, plicate, acute leaves that blooms in the late summer, fall and earlier winter on lateral, 3.6 to 5.6" [9 to 14 cm] long, loosely successively few, 8 to 12 flowered inflorescence with triangular, acute, just short to half as long as the ovary floral bracts and carrying globose, glabrous, violet flowers with a whitish lip.

"Similar to S major vegetatively but the lip of S risaraldana is usually unlobed with a prominent vertical callus in the basal part while S major the lip is deeply bilobed with an obscure basal keel. A risaraldana is also similar to S gracilis but it differs from S risaraldana in the distinctly wider dorsal sepall, the transversely elliptic lip and the oblong basal callus. S risaraldana hyas a narrower dorsal sepal, an oblong lip with a keel-like callus." Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

*Syst. Bot. 39: 46 Szlach & Baranow 2014

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:191 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide
