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Stanhopea page

SUBFAMILY Epidendroideae, TRIBE Gongoreae, SUBTRIBE Stanhopeinae.

From Mexico to Brazil this genus is hard to beat for it's size and beautifully odd, complexity, and there are 55 different ways that nature came up with presenting it to us. The ovoid dark green pseudobulbs with a single apical, heavily veined, petiolate leaf give rise to a inflorescence from the bottom of the pseudobulb and grows directly downward and for this reason they must be cultivated in a wire basket. The 1 to many flowered inflorescence have heavy mostly pleasing fragrance that can fill a house with it's scent for days. The parts of the Stanhopea Flower are shown here. The column {#1}, petals {#2}, epichile {#3}, Mesochile {#4}, hypochile {5}, horn {#6}, and the pedicel {#7}.

Stanhopea Species List

    The species list below was composed with information from the following sources.

    The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids by Alec Pridgeon. Published by the Timber Press

    The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species By Bechtel, Cribb and Launert, Published by The MIT Press

    Native Colombian Orchids Volumes 1-6 Published by Editorial Colina By the Colombian Orchid Society

    An Introduction to the Orchids Of Mexico By Andrew Wiard Published by Comstock Cornell

    Orchids Of Brazil By Jim & Barbara McQueen Published by Timber Press

    Field Guide to the Orchids of Costa Rica And Panama By Robert L Dressler Published by Comstock Cornell

    Orchids of Guatemala and Belize By Oakes Ames And Donovan Correl Published by Dover

      An * denotes species that are in doubt or have been changed to another name

      Species names that are synonyms of correct species names are denoted with a ~.

    1. acostae Dodson
    2. - Colombia

      ~*amoena Klotzsch - [now S. wardii]

    3. anfracta Rolfe
    4. - Panama, Peru and Ecuador to Bolivia - Alt 1100-1200m, Flowers in Spring to early Winter, forest epiphyte, Intermediate
    5. annulata Mansf.
    6. - Colombia and Ecuador -

      ~*aurea Lindley - [now S. wardii]

    7. avicula Dressler
    8. - Colombia - Warm

      ~bucephalus Lindl. - See S. oculata

    9. candida Barb. Rodr.
    10. - Mexico, Panama, Peru, Colombia and Brazil, - Flowers in Summer - Epiphyte - Intermediate
    11. cirrhata Lindl.
    12. - Nicaragua to Panama -
    13. connata Kl.
    14. - Colombia - Alt 0-1200m -Warm to intermediate
    15. costaricensis Rchb.f.
    16. - Guatemala to Panama -

      ~cymbiformis Rchb.f. - See S.oculata

    17. deltoidea Lemaire
    18. - Peru

      ~devoniansis Lindl. see S. hernandezii

    19. *devonensis Lindl. [now S. graveolens]
    20. Similar to hernandezii with smaller flowers and warts on the inner surface of the hypochile - Mexico and Guatemala - Alt up to 1900m - Epiphyte or Lithophyte in Forests -
    21. ecornuta Lemaire
    22. - Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica - Alt 1200m - Flowers in summer - Forests epiphyte - Intermediate
    23. *embreei
    24. - Guatemala, Panama and Ecuador - Alt - Flowers in Spring - Intermediate


    25. florida Rchb.f.
    26. - Colombia to Peru -
    27. x fowlleana Dodson ex Horich
    28. *fregeana [now S. maculosa]
    29. frymirei Dodson
    30. gibbosa Rchb.f.
    31. - Nicaragua and Coosta Rica
    32. grandiflora [Lodd.]Lindl.
    33. - Caribbean to Colombia on to the Guianas and Brazil
    34. graveolens Lindl.
    35. - Closely allied to S. wardii but has larger flowers, lip and horns on the mesochile - Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras - Alt up to 2700m - Forests - Epiphytic or Lithophytic - Cool to intermediate

      ~guttata Lindl. - See S. oculata

    36. guttulata Lindley
    37. haselowiana Rchb.f.
    38. *hernandezii[Kunth]Schltr.
    39. also known as tigrina - Mexico and Guatemala - Alt up to 1900m - Flowers in ? - Epiphyitic and rarely Lithophytic - Intermediate to cool
    40. x herrenhusana Jenny
    41. - Colombia
    42. horichlana Jenny
    43. impressa Rchb.f.
    44. - Colombia - Hot
    45. inodora
    46. -Mexico and Guatemala - Alt - Flowers in Spring to Summer - epiphyte - Intermediate to warm
    47. insignis Frost exHkr.
    48. - Peru and Brazil - Alt - Flowers in Autumn - High humidity and bright light - Intermediate
    49. intermedia Klinge
    50. - Mexico - Alt up to 1600m - Flowers in Late Summer to Early Autumn - Wooded mountains on large horizontal branches - Partial sun
    51. jenishiana Kr.&Rchb.f.
    52. - Colombia to Peru -
    53. kennedyi Dodson <.LI> - Colombia
    54. leitzii (Regel) Schlechter
    55. - coastal Brazil
    56. lewisae Ames &Correll
    57. - Guatemala - Alt - 0-100m - Lowland epiphyte -
    58. maculosa Knowles ex Westcott
    59. - Mexico
    60. martiana Batem.exLindl.
    61. - Mexico -
    62. meijiae Dodson
    63. - Colombia
    64. napoensis Dodson
    65. nigripes Rolfe
    66. nigroviolacea
    67. - Mexico - Alt up to 2000m - Flowers in Summer - Intermediate
    68. novogaliciana Rosillo
    69. - Mexico
    70. oculata [Lodd.]Lindl.
    71. - Mexico, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia to Brazil- Alt up to 1500m - Flowers in Summer - epiphytic or terrestrial - Intermediate
    72. ospinae Dodson
    73. - Colombia
    74. panamensis N.Wms.&Whitten
    75. - Colombia - Hot
    76. peruviana Rolfe
    77. platyceras Rchb.f.
    78. - Colombia - Alt - Epiphyte - warm
    79. posadae Jenny ex Braem
    80. - Colombia
    81. pozoi Dodson & Bennett
    82. pulla Rchb.f.
    83. - Costa Rica to Colombia - Hot
    84. quadricornis Lindl.
    85. - Guatemala, Colombia
    86. radiosa Lemaire
    87. - Mexico
    88. reichenbachiana Roezl. ExRchb.f.
    89. -Colombia - Hot
    90. *rodigasiana Claes ex Cogn. -- now Embreea rodigasiana (Claes ex Cogn.) Dodson -- Columbia & Ecuador
    91. ruckeri Lindl.
    92. Mexico to Nicaragua
    93. saccata Batem.
    94. Mexico to Costa Rica - Alt up to 1400m - on trees in humid forest - epiphyte
    95. shuttleworthii Rchb.f.
    96. - Colombia - Warm
    97. stevensonii Dodson
    98. - Colombia
    99. thienii Dodson
    100. *tigrina Batem.
    101. also known as hernandezii - Mexico - Epiphyte
    102. tricornis Lindley
    103. tricornis ssp. stenochila Dodson
    104. ~venusta Lindl. - See S. Wardii

    105. wardii Lindl.
    106. - Closely allied to S. graveolens but has smaller flowers, lip and horns on the mesochile - Venezuela to Peru, Nicaragua south to Panama - Alt up to 2700m - Flowers in Autumn - Epiphyte and lithophyte - Intermediate to warm
    107. warscewicziana Klotzsch
    108. Costa Rica
    109. xytriophora Rchb.f.
    110. - Bolivia

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