Habenaria anomaliflora Kurzweil & Chantanaorr. 2009 SECTION Diphyllae Kraenzl

Plant and Flowers in situ Thailand

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Photos/TYPE Drawing by © S.Chantanaorrapint and A New Species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae) from Southeast Asia Website


Common Name The Odd Flowered Habenaria

Flower Size .32" [8 mm]

Found in Hainan province of China, Laos and Thailand in secondary evergreen forests or scrubland at elevations of 600 to 825 meters as a small sized, warm growing terrestrial with glabrous stems carrying 2 basal, adpressed to the soil, ovate to orbicular, acute, mucronate leaves and 3 to 6, erect, lanceolate, acuminate sterile bracts that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, terminal, lax, 1 to 8 flowered inflorescence with a rachis of 1.6 to 3.24" [4 to 8.1 cm] and lanceolate to ovate, acuminate floral bracts.

Similar to H humistrata, H siamensis, H porphyricola and H reniformis but the new species differs in its subactinomorphic perianth which lacks a lip spur.

CAUTION Kew puts this species as a synonym of H reniformis but I have left it separate for now.

Synonyms Pecteilis anomaliflora (Kurzweil & Chantanaorr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 2018

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

*A New Species of Habenaria (Orchidaceae) from Southeast Asia Website photos, Drawing fide

Flora Of Thailand Orchidaceae Vol 12 Part 1 Pedersen, Kurzweil, Suddee & Cribb 2011 drawing fide;

Atlas of Native Orchids of China Vol 1 Jin Xiaohua, Li Jianwu and Ye Deping 2019 photo fide;

