SUBGENUS Pleurothallis SECTION Pleurothallis SUBSECTION Antenniferae 1998

Characterized by the caespitose to repent habit with well developed ramicauls that are usually longer than the leaf. They have a mostly erect, racemose, termianl inflorescence at the base of the sessile or rarely subpetiolate base leaf. Basically the flowers are similar and resupinate with the dorsal sepal free from the laterals and the laterals are connate into a concave to cucullate synsepal. The petals are more or less thickened and entire, narrowly oblong to narrowly linear and are expanded, The three lobed lip has prominent lateral lobes that are either broadly rounded or elongated often markedly so. The lip is variously recurved towards the middle usually markedly so from 90 to 180 degrees. There is generally not a glenion present and the deflexed base of the lip is attached to an abbreviated column foot. The column is semiterete, usually short and has an apical to subapical anther and stigma. SUBSECTION TYPE Species

!Pleurothallis antennifera Lindl. 1859 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  1. Pleurothallis alveolata Luer 1976 Ecuador

  2. !Pleurothallis antennifera Lindl. 1859 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

  3. Pleurothallis aporosis Luer 1979 Ecuador

  4. Pleurothallis archilarum Chiron 2011 Guatemala

  5. Pleurothallis bicochlearis Luer 1999 Colombia

  6. Pleurothallis bicruris Lindl. 1859 Ecuador

  7. Pleurothallis brachiata Luer 1975 Ecuador

  8. Pleurothallis cymbisepala Schltr. 1924 Colombia, Ecuador

  9. Pleurothallis demissa Luer & R.Vásquez 1981 Bolivia

  10. Pleurothallis eccentrica Luer & Hirtz 1988 Ecuador

  11. Pleurothallis eidos Luer 1979 Ecuador

  12. Pleurothallis genychila Schltr. 1921 Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  13. Pleurothallis hippocrepica Luer & R.Escobar 1984 Colombia and Ecuador

  14. Pleurothallis hjertingii Luer 1997 Peru

  15. Pleurothallis imbaburae Luer & Hirtz 1996 Colombia and Ecuador

  16. Pleurothallis lenae Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador

  17. Pleurothallis loejtnantii Luer 1996 Ecuador

  18. Pleurothallis madsenii Luer 1999 Ecuador

  19. Pleurothallis manicosa Luer & R.Escobar 1996 Colombia

  20. Pleurothallis melanosticta Luer 1996 Ecuador

  21. Pleurothallis nasiterna Luer 1981 Ecuador

  22. Pleurothallis parviflora Luer 1980 Ecuador

  23. Pleurothallis penduliflora Kraenzl. 1905 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  24. Pleurothallis ptychophora Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  25. Pleurothallis pulvinaris Luer & R.Escobar 1984 Colombia

  26. Pleurothallis ramificans Luer 1980 Colombia and Ecuador

  27. Pleurothallis revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) Garay 1962 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Trinidad

  28. Pleurothallis roseola Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  29. Pleurothallis saltatoria Lindl. 1859Ecuador and Bolivia

  30. Pleurothallis scintillata Luer 1981 Ecuador

  31. Pleurothallis secunda Poepp. & Endl. 1836 Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

  32. Pleurothallis suspensa Luer 1982 Surinam, Guyana and Venezuela

  33. Pleurothallis taurus Luer 1980 Colombia and Ecuador

  34. Pleurothallis tectosa Luer & Hirtz 1996 Ecuador

  35. Pleurothallis tenebrosa Luer 1999 Venezuela

  36. Pleurothallis trifurcata Luer & Hirtz 1996 Colombia and Ecuador

  37. Pleurothallis tuzae Luer 1999 Colombia

  38. Pleurothallis urceolata Luer 1980 Ecuador

  39. Pleurothallis veliformis Luer & Dalström 1996 Ecuador
