SECTION Floribundum Seth & Cribb 1984- The type of this section is C floribundum and the section is characterized by having 15 to 50, closely spaced flowers on short, suberect inflorescence. The flowers have sepals and petals with obtuse apices [except C elongatum whose placement in this section is not secure], the lip has broad side lobes with rounded apices and a broadly ovate mid-lobe. This section has similarities to the section Austrocymbidium such as the coriceous leaves, the close set flowers on short inflorescence, the obtuse sepals and petals with a greenish tint and the ellipsoidal pollina. In fact many of the species in this section [C chloranthum, C hartinahianum and C elongatum] were foprmerly included in the section Austrocymbidium. Of all the species in this section c elongatum is the most tentative as it has an elongated monopodial stem and short lateral inflorescence.

  1. Cymbidium chloranthum Lindl. 1843 Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and Java

  2. Cymbidium elongatum J.J. Wood, Du Puy & Shim 1988 Borneo [Sabah, Sarawak]

  3. Cymbidium floribundum Lindl. 1833 S China, S Taiwan and N Vietnam

  4. Cymbidium hartinahianum J.B.Comber & Nasution 1977 N Sumatra

  5. Cymbidium suavissimum Sander ex C.H.Curtis 1928 Myanamar, Guizhou and Yunnan China and Vietnam

