Epidendrum marsiorum R.Vásquez & Ibisch 2003 GROUP Arbuscula SUBGROUP Arbuscula
Photo by © Anon
Common Name Mars' Epidendrum [Dedicated to the Mars family an allusion to the chocolate colored flowers]
Flower Size .6" [1.5 m]
Found in Cochabamba department of Bolivia in wet, montane forests in mosses at elevations around 2650 meters as a medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with erect, cylindrical, new growth arising from just below to just above the internodes at the middle of the previous stem carrying 3 to 5 deciduous, distributed along the apex, linear-elliptic, attenuate leaves that blooms on a terminal, racemose, nutant, peduncle 2" [5 cm] long, somewhat compressed, provided with 2 narrowly triangular bracts 4.8" [12 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence with slightly longer than the ovary, narrowly triangular floral bracts and carrying fleshy, chocolate colored flowers.
"Epidendrum marsiorum R. Vásquez & Ibisch, belongs to the GROUP Arbuscula SUBGROUP Incomptum, characterized by the syympodial habit, the new growth produced from the mid-nodes of the previous cane-like growth below the leaves, the apical inflorescence flowering one time only, and the roots produced at the base of each new growth, not at the intermediate nodes, the flowers fleshy. The species is recognized by the entire lip about .36" [8 mm] wide, sepals .36 to .4" [9 to 10 mm] long, and leaves 2 to 4.8" x .4 to .8" [5 to 12 x 1 to 2 cm], and is found in eastern Peru and neighboring Bolivia. Epidendrum marcapatense has .36 to .4" [9 to 10 mm] long sepals, the lip is bilobed, reniform, base cordate, apex emarginate, margin erose. Epidendrum nephroglossum Schltr. has comparatively wide, acuminate floral bracts, a .52" [13 mm] wide lip, the sepals being .44" [11 mm] long, and the petais linear-oblanceolate and somewhat acuminate, it was described from the Chanchamayo valley in Junín province of Peru. It is similar to E. latisegmentum C. Schweinf. which has larger flowers, sepals .72 to .84" [18 to 21 mm] long, a thin uninflated nectary, a íarge, bilobed, reniform lip, and the relatlvely wide sepals and petals. It is somewhat similar to Epidendrum fujimorianum D. E. Benn. & Christenson which has a 4 lobed lip, the apical lobes small and semicircular." adapterd from Plate 955 Hagsater etal 2007
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Revista Soc. Boliv. Bot. 4(1): 32–35, f. 2, 5. R.Vásquez & Ibisch 2003 Drawing fide; Orchids of Bolivia Vol II Laelinae Vasquez & Ibisch 2004 drawing/photo fide; Icones Orchidacearum 9 Plate 955 Hagsater 2007 see recognition section; Icones Orchidacearum 15 [1] Plate 1568 Hagsater & Sanchez 2015 see recognition section;