This group is called the subtribe Cyrtopodinae, one of 4 that comprise the Tribe Cymbidieae. It includes the genera listed, Ansellia, Bromheadia, Cymbidiella, Cymbidium,Cyrtopodium, Dipodium, Eriopsis, Eulophia, Eulophiella, Geleandra, Geodorum, Grammangis, Grammatophyllum, Graphorkis, Grobya, Oeceoclades, and Porphyroglottis.
- Cymbidium Golden Elf 'Sundust'
This is a warm growing Cymbidium and I have repeatedly bloomed it in Key West where it is hot. The parents of this plant are Cymbidium ensifolium and Enid Haupt and it was registered by Rod McLellan in 1978.
- Cymbidium Meglee 'Ms Taipei'
This is another garaunteed warm blooming Cymbidium as I have bloomed it 3-4 times a year for 3 years.
- Cymbidium Showgirl 'Carmon'
Cymbidiums Sweetheart and Alexanderi make up this plant registered in 1962 by Baker. This cross is a bit more difficult to bloom in a hot climate, mine has only bloomed 3 times in 7 years.
- Cymbidium Starbright 'Mira'
Cymbidiums Pumilum and Lyoth make up this hybrid registered in 1964 by Greenoaks.
Grammatophylum This natural genus has about 12 species interspersed through SE Asia, Philippines, Indonesia, and the SW Pacific that have large pseudobulbs and leaves with a long inflorescence that arises from the base of ther pseudobulb and carries many medium to large showy, long lasting, flowers. These plants require space so plan well. A young plant can have pseudobulbs up to 24" and they multiply rapidly. It has been written that the Fredrick Sanders firm in the late 1800's collected a plant off Penang Island in the Malay penisula that weighed one ton. It was so large that it had to be divided so half went to the Columbian Exposition in Chicago and the other half went to the Singapore Botanical Gardens where divisions of it still reside.
- Grammatophylum Tiger's Paw
The two grammatophylum species elegans and scriptum are crossed to create this hybrid registered in 1980 by Jones and Scully.
Below are other orchid sites that I find useful.
Other Orchid Sites
A great site to link up to all other orchid sites, includes vendors, societies,universities,and book sites.
Orchid Mall Like above a location to find many orchid web sites.
Linda's Orchid Hybrid Abbreviations Ever wonder what the heck BLC or Burr or Alcra stood for? Well here's the spot to fix all that, not only are the correct hybrid names given but also what genera are combined to make such a named hybrid. So BLC becomes Brassavola, Laelia and Cattleya , and Alcra. becomes Aliceara comprised of Brassia, Miltonia and Oncidium. Heady stuff this is, as now you can see why it blooms when it does or if it needs a rest or why the leaves fall off. Try it when you buy a new cross.
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If you subscribe, every few days a e-mail batch letter will arrive, great way to learn about orchids. Lots of expert advice given to novice and professional. Many appearances by well known published Orchidists.
Orchid Discussion List Like the Orchid List Digest, and if you subscribe, every few days a e-mail batch letter will arrive, great way to learn about orchids. Lots of expert advice given to novice and professional. Many appearances by well known published Orchidists.
The Stanhopea Page A list of all the Stanhopea species and photos of many of the species.