SUBGENUS Pygmaeia Luer 2000


!Masdevallia pygmaea Kraenzl.1925

"Characterized by small caespitose habit, the flowers are produced singly or in succession and arise laterally from the ramicaul, the ovaries are variable, from smooth to costate or ribbed, verrucose, crested to spiculate, with the processes often extending onto the sepals. The apicesof the sepals are with or without tails. The petals are callous with or without a protuding process, the lip is oblong with variations of a pair of longitudinal calli." Luer 2000

The SUBGENUS is divided into 3 SECTIONS

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Amaluzae Luer 2000

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Aphanes Luer 2000

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Pymaeae Luer 2000

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Amaluzae Luer 2000

The SECTION is Divided into 2 SUBSECTIONS


SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Amaluzae SUBSECTION Amaluzae Luer 1986

"Characterized by the small to very small, caespitose habit with a successively flowered raceme bourne by a slender, ascending, horizontal to descending, terete peduncle. The ovaries are smooth with low ribs that are sometimes undulate. The sepals are contracted into slender tails. The petals are callous mostly without a protruding process. The lips are more or less oblong with variations of a pair of longitudinal calli." Luer 2000


!Masdevallia amaluzae Luer & Malo 1978

The Species:

  1. !Masdevallia amaluzae Luer & Malo 1978 Ecuador, Peru

  2. Masdevallia andreae P.Ortiz 2009 Colombia

  3. Masdevallia audax Königer 1986 Peru

  4. Masdevallia aurorae Luer & M.W.Chase 1993 Peru

  5. Masdevallia carmenensis Luer & Malo 1978 Colombia, Ecuador

  6. Masdevallia chaucana Luer & Hirtz 2005 Ecuador

  7. Masdevallia chimboensis Kraenzl. 1925 Colombia

  8. Masdevallia fenestralis Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2015 Peru

  9. Masdevallia fenestrellata Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2015 Peru

  10. Masdevallia lynniana Luer 2004 Ecuador

  11. Masdevallia manchinazae Luer & Andreetta 1988-9 Ecuador, Peru

  12. Masdevallia mataxa Königer & Mend. 1993 Ecuador

  13. Masdevallia merinoi Luer & J.J. Portilla 1999 Ecuador

  14. Masdevallia paquishae Luer & Hirtz 1988 publ. 1989 Ecuador, Peru

  15. Masdevallia patula Luer & Malo 1978 Ecuador

  16. Masdevallia sanchezii Luer & Andreetta 1980 Ecuador

  17. Masdevallia schizostigma Luer 1998 Peru

  18. Masdevallia smallmaniana Luer 2002 Costa Rica, Panama

  19. Masdevallia vierlingii Königer 2010 Peru


SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Amaluziae SUBSECTION Zahlbrucknerzae Luer 2000

"Characterized by the a small to medium szied, caespitose habit with a successively flowered raceme bourne by an ascending, horizontal to descending terete peduncle. The ovaries are smooth or slightly costate. The sepals are contracted into slender tails. The petals are callous with a distinct, retrorse process at the base. The lips are more of less oblong with variations of a pair of longitudinal callii." Luer


Masdevallia zahlbruckneri Kraenzl. 1921

  1. Masdevallia naranjapatae Luer 1978 Ecuador

  2. Masdevallia olmosii Königer & Sijm 2003 Panama

  3. Masdevallia schizopetala Kraenzl. 1925 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Bolivia?

  4. Masdevallia vieirana Luer & R. Escobar 1989 Colombia

  5. !Masdevallia zahlbruckneri Kraenzl. 1921 Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Aphanes Luer 2000

"Characterized by the small to very small, caespitose habit with successively flowered inflorescnece borne by a slender, ascending, horizontal to descending, terete peduncle. The ovaries are costate [ribbed] crested or verrucose. The apices of the lateral sepals are acute to obtuse without contracting into a tail, but in a few species thae apices are thickened into short tails. The petals are callous on the labeler margin. The lips are more of less oblong with the disc featureless or sulcate between the calli." Luer


Masdevallia aphanes Königer 1994 Ecuador, Peru

  1. Masdevallia aphanes Königer 1994 Ecuador, Peru

  2. Masdevallia berthae Luer & Andreetta 1989 Ecuador

  3. Masdevallia collantesii D.E.Benn. & Christenson 1998 Peru

  4. Masdevallia expers Luer & Andreetta 1988 Ecuador

  5. Masdevallia gemmula [Luer & V.N.M.Rao] comb novo Pfahl 2014 Ecuador

  6. Masdevallia henniae Luer & Dalström 1994 Ecuador

  7. Masdevallia indecora Luer & R.Escobar 1991 Colombia

  8. Masdevallia mentosa Luer 1978 Ecuador

  9. Masdevallia plantaginea (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn. 1896 Ecuador, Peru

  10. Masdevallia pyknosepala Luer & Cloes 2000 Peru

  11. Masdevallia scalpellifera Luer 1997 Ecuador

  12. Masdevallia scopaea Luer & R.Vásquez 1984 Bolivia

  13. Masdevallia setipes Schltr. 1929 Bolivia

  14. Masdevallia strattoniana Luer & Hirtz 2002 Ecuador

  15. Masdevallia trifurcata Luer 1994 Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

SUBGENUS Pygmaeia SECTION Pygmaeae Luer 2000

"Characterized by the small to very small caespitose habit and an inflorescence bourne by a slender, terete peduncle. The flower is often followed by a second. The ovaries are pappilose or spiculate. The sepals are caudate. Thepetals are thickened on the labellar margin with an angle at the abse. The lips are more of less oblong with a pair of longitudinal calli." Luer


Masdevallia pygmaea Kraenzl. 1925 Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador

  1. Masdevallia anachaeta Rchb. f. 1878 Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia

  2. Masdevallia erinacea Rchb.f 1877 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador

  3. Masdevallia hoeijeri Luer & Hirtz 1986 Colombia, Ecuador

  4. Masdevallia pterygiophora Luer & R.Escobar 1988 Colombia

  5. !Masdevallia pygmaea Kraenzl. 1925 Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador

  6. Masdevallia ramiromedinae [Thoerle] in ed. Colombia
