Telipogon sonia-juaniorum Zambrano, Bogarín & Solano 2018

LCDP TYPE Photo by © B J Zambrano and the Telipogon sonia-juaniorum (Orchidaceae: Oncidiinae) a new species from Southwestern Ecuador Reaserch gate Website

Part Shade Cool fallwinter

Common Name Sonia, Juan & Juan Pablo Zambrano's Telipogon [Ecuadorian Orchid researchers current]

Flower Size .18” [4.5 mm]

Found in El Oro province of Ecuador in semi deciduous montane forests at elevations of 1000 to 1300 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with up to 3, in a basal rosette, ercet, distichous, membraneous, elliptic-ovate, acuminate, minuterly crenulate margined leaves that blooms in the late fall and winter on an axillary, peduncle flattened, slightly and progressively widening towards the apex, enveloped by 6, reduced in size above, winged, slightly overlapping, distichous, obovate-lanceolate, acute, green, transluscent, simple to branched, rachis strongly compressed, 3 winged, green, 2.2” [5.5 cm] long, successively single, 1 to 3 flowered inflorescence with membraneous, ovate-triangular, acute, green, transluscent, half has long as the ovary floral bracts and carrying minute flowers.

"The most similar species with the new taxon are the Costa Rican Telipogon standleyi, T. boylei, and T. lankesteri. Telipogon standleyi can be distinguished from T. sonia-juaniorum by its lanceolate and marginally entire leaves (vs. elliptic-ovate, crenulate), slightly oblique petals (vs. evidently oblique), oblong-ovate lip (vs. elliptic), ventrally glabrous column (vs. minutely pilose), and furcate hairs (vs. simple to rarely furcate) (Ames 1925, Bogarín 2012). Telipogon boylei, originally described as Stellilabium boylei Atwood (1989: t. 1392), is different by its ovate leaves (vs. elliptic-ovate), green with purple flowers (vs. purple with yellow), elliptic lateral sepals (vs. triangularovate), elliptic subrounded petals (vs. orbicular-ovate and widely obtuse), longer and more or less sagitate lip .2" vs. .96" (5.0 mm vs. 2.4 mm, elliptic), and furcate hairs (vs. simple to rarely furcate). Telipogon lankesteri differs by having lanceolate leaves (vs. elliptic-ovate), ovate-lanceolate sepals (vs. triangular-ovate), ovate petals (vs. orbicular-ovate), and oblonglanceolate lip (vs. elliptic) (Ames 1923). On the other hand, T. boylei, T. lankesteri and T. standleyi has not been reported for Colombia and Peru, so the geographic disjunction among the southernmost populations of these species and that from T. sonia-juaniorum allows recognizing them as different taxa. Among its Ecuadorian congeneric Telipogon sonia-juaniorum is similar to T. alexii and T. morganiae. The first species was originally described as Stellilabium hirtzii by Dodson (1984: pl. 982), it is distinguished by its elliptic leaves (vs. elliptic-ovate), pale cream flowers (vs. purple with yellow), lanceolate sepals (vs. triangular-ovate), petals linear-elliptic, 1-veined (vs. orbicular-ovate, 3-veined), ventrally glabrous column (vs. pubescent), and without hairs (vs. simple to rarely furcate). On the other hand, T. morganiae, originally described as Stellilabium morganiae by Dodson (1980: pl. 335), is different by its marginally entire leaves (vs. crenulate), green with red flowers (vs. purple with yellow), orbicular and 5-veined petals (vs. orbicular-ovate, 3-veined), lanceolate and acuminate lip (vs. elliptic, obtuse), and minute hairs (vs. prominent).” Zambrano, Bogarín & Solano 2018


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Phytotaxa 340 (2): 167–174 Zambrano, Bogarín & Solano 2018 photo/drawing fide
