*`SECTION Uncifera Schlechter 1912

Type: Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schlechter 1905

Synonyms Section Diceras Schlechter 1912; SUBGENUS Harpobrachium Schlechter 1912; Section Manobulbon Schlechter 1912;

Characterized by having racemose, several to many flowered inflorescence. The column and lip are fused over a large surface oo the fused area is small, or consists of a thin ligament only. The most characteristic feature of this section is the presence of a transverse ridge near the base of the lip, with its proximal face pressed to the face of the column foot.

There are 8 species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 2800 meters in New Guinea, the western Pacific islands and Australia

Entries below with an asterix are listed in publications by J J Vermeullen and so are more likely correct than ones without. Species with a question mark in front, seem to me to not conform and so please use with caution.

  1. Bulbophyllum bigibbum Schltr. 1923 New Guinea

  2. *Bulbophyllum cavibulbum J J Sm. 1929 New Guinea

  3. Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum Schltr. 1905 New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

  4. *Bulbophyllum exiguum F. Mueller 1860 Australia

  5. Bulbophyllum laxum Schltr. 1905 New Guinea

  6. Bulbophyllum manobulbum Schltr. 1905 New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

  7. *!Bulbophyllum ochroleucum Schltr. 1905 Papua New Guinea

  8. Bulbophyllum pallidiflorum Schltr.1906 New Caledonia

  9. *Bulbophyllum posticum J.J.Sm.1911 New Guinea

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchid Monographs Vol 7 Vermeullen 1993;
