Vanda and Zygopetalum Hybrids

Tribe Vanda The Tribe Vanda has 3 subfamilies and they are;

Subtribe Sarcanthinae which is made up of the genera, Acampe,NEW Aerides, Amesiella, Arachnis, Armodorum, Ascocentrum, Ascoglossum, Camarotis, Chiloschista, Cleisostoma, Dimorphorchis, Diploprora, Doritis, Esmeralda,Euanthe, Gastrochilus, Haraella, Holocoglossum, Hygrochilus, Kingidium, Luisia, Neofinetia, Ornithochilus, Papilionanthe, Paraphalenopsis, Pelatantheria, Phalenopsis, Pomatocalpa, Pteroceras, Renanthera, Renantherella, Rhynchostylis, Robiquetia,Saccolabium Sarcochilus, Schoenorchis, Sedirea, Seidenfadenia, Smitinandia, Staurochilus, Taeniophyllum, Thrixspermum, Trichoglottis, Vanda, and Vandanopsis.

Subtribe Angaecinae which has the genera,NEW Aeranthes, Angraecum, Campylocentrum, Cryptopus, Dendrophylax, Jumellea, Neobathiea, Oeonia, Oeoniella, Polyradicion, and Sobennikoffia

Subtribe Aerangidinae which includes the genera,NEW Aerangis, Ancistrorhychus, Angraecopsis, Bolusiella, Calyptrochilum, Chamaeangis, Cyrtorchis, Diaphananthe, Euryochone, Listrostachys, Microcoelia, Mystacidium, Plectrelminthus, Podangis , Rangaeris, Solenangis, Sphyrarhychus, Tridactyle, and Ypsilopus.

    Aerangis Aerangis is a natural genus with close to 60 species spread through Africa, Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. They are commonly epiphytic and sometimes lithophytic, small to medium sized vandanaceous plants which typically like, shady warm and humid conditions.

  1. Aerangis biloba X Aerangis laurentil
  2. Aerides This natural genus is found in most of Asia and out to the Philippines and has 19 species, mostly fragrant. They are similar to Vanda in plant form yet their flowers have a forward facing spur. They are best grown in wooden slat baskets with little or no potting media. They are typically intermediate to warm growers.

  3. Aerides Promote
  4. Aerides quinquevulnerum X Rhynchostylus gigantea
  5. Aeridovanda Aerides and Vanda make up the parents of this genus which grows as Vandas. Bright light, regular watering year round, fertilize often and wood slat baskets with no medium suit this genus fine.

  6. Aeridovanda Arnold Sanchez
  7. Aeridovanda Vieng-Ping and Aerides lawrencae was registered by RF Orchids in 1984.
  8. Areidovanda Barney Garrison
  9. This cross was registered by RF Orchids in 1993 and has Aerides Lawrencae and Vanda Fuch's Delight in its lineage.
  10. Aeridovanda Carri Raven
  11. Aeridovanda Vieng Ping and Vanda Fuch's Oro create this hybrid registered by RF Orchids in 1990.
  12. Aeridovanda Memoria Gene Feinhauer
  13. The species Aerides flabellata is crossed with the hybrid Vanda Mellow Days to create this minature plant with 1" flowers. It was registered by J.M. Ward in 1991.

    Angraecum This is a natural genus with the majority of the species come from Africa. They like wood slat basket culture but appreciate a bit more medium in the basket than most Vandanaceous plants. They are characterized by a long spur or nectary on the back of the flower and more often than not are pure white in color.

  14. Angraecum Longiscott 'Lea'
  15. This cross was made by Hillerman in 1983 and combines the parentage of Angraecum superbum X humbertii.

    Arachnis Arachnis is a natural genus that appreciates lots of direct sunlight and likes to grow up the side of a tree for support. They can become quite tall, up to 50 feet so they need to be specially accomodated. They can be grown in wood slat baskets and bloom variably year round.

  16. Arachnis Maggie Oei
  17. This hybrid is composed of Arachnis hookeriana and flos-aeris and was registered in 1950 by Laycock.

    Aranda This genus is the result of crossing the genera Arachnis and Vanda. Generally they need a lot of direct sunlight, at least 3 hours a day. They like Arachnis need to be supported by something as they can become quite tall.

  18. Aranda Ang Hee Seng
  19. Arachnis Maroon Maggie and Vanda Dawn Nishimura are crossed to make this 1974 hybrid registered by Mak Chin On.
  20. Aranda Logtakjep
  21. Ascoscenda This genus arises from the crossing of the genera Ascocentrum and Vanda. This genus is more variable in it's light requirements and does best in wood slat baskets.

  22. Ascoscenda Bewitched
  23. This cross' parents are Vanda Bill Sutton and Ascoscenda Meda Arnold and it was registered by Mizuta in 1968.
  24. Ascoscenda Bicentenial 'Carmela Orchids' AM/AOS
  25. Ascoscendas Bonanza and Yip Sum Wah are the parents af this hybrid registered by Fukumura in 1977.
  26. Ascoscenda Foxy Lady
  27. This cross registered by Motes in 1997 is the product of Vanda Fuchs Delight and Ascoscenda Motes Kalahari.
  28. Ascoscenda Fuch's Joy X Vascoscenda Coelestis 'Tan Chi Beng'
  29. Ascoscenda Fuch's Torch
  30. This hybrid has Ascoscenda David Parker and Ascocentrum curvifolium as it's parents and it was registered by RF Orchids in 1988.
  31. Ascoscenda Lek
  32. --Vanda luzonica and Ascoscenda Flambeau make this cross registered by T Orchids in 1983.
  33. Ascoscenda Madame Panni
  34. Registered in 1968 by Honwichai it's parents are Vanda Onomea and Ascocentrum curvifolium.
  35. Ascoscenda Paragon Joy X Vanda Kasem's Delight
  36. Ascoscenda Peggy Foo 'Red Dragon'
  37. Vanda Bonnie Blue Fukumura crossed with Ascocentrum curvifolium make this hybrid registered in 1970 by Foo Hock Lee.
  38. Ascoscenda Roslyn Rogers
  39. This cross is made up of Vanda Fuchs Indigo and Ascoscenda Yip Sum Wah and was registered by RF Orchids in 1990.
  40. Ascoscenda Tan Chai Beng #4 X Ascoscenda Blue Heaven 'Richelle'
  41. Christierara The hybrid genus Christierara combines Aerides, Ascocentrum, and Vanda, to make a genus that likes wood slat baskets with little or no medium, bright light, regular watering and fertilizing, and warm growing conditions.

  42. Christierara Manoa AM/AOS
  43. Registered in 1982 by Orchid Paradise it has Aerides multiflora and Ascoscenda Yip Sum Wah in its parentage.

    Kagawara Ascocentrum, Renanthera and Vanda make up this intergeneric cross that grows the same as Vandas in general. This is a multiblooming genus and if well grown can bloom at any time of the year.

  44. Kagawara Red Lava 'Orange Mist'
  45. Ascoscenda, Renanthera, and Vanda create this red beauty whose parents are Ascoscenda Meda Arnold and Renanthera imshootiana. It was registered in 1972 by Miyao.
  46. Kagawara Christie Low 'Redland'
  47. Renanthera Nancy Chandler and Ascoscenda Memoria Choo Laikeun are the parents of this everblooming cross registered by Low in 1983. Wood slat baskets, strong light, fertilizer and warm temperatures will reward you with blooms most all year.

    Luisanda Luisa and Vanda are combined to make this interesting full sun terete plant

  48. Luisa Magasefala X Vanda lamellata
  49. Mokara Mokara occurs when Arachnis, Ascocentrum, and Vanda are crossed. It generally acts as a Vnada in it's growth habit as well as it's cultural requirements.

  50. Mokara Eng Ling
  51. Arachnis Hookeriana X Ascoscenda Yip Sum Wah are combined to produce this 1973 registered hybrid by Charles Lim.
  52. Mokara Madame Panne
  53. This hybrids parents are Mokara Sayan and Vanda Charles Goodfellow and it was registered by T Orchids in 1993.
  54. Mokara Mak Chin On
  55. Aranda Christine and Ascoscenda Blue boy are the parents of this 1978 registered hybrid by Mak Chin On.

    Neostylus This genus is the product of crossing Neofinetia and Rhynchostylus creating minature plants with fragrant blooms. They grow well in warm conditions with steady water, bright light and fertilizer.

  56. Neostylus Dainty
  57. Same as the next hybrid except that it blooms in the spring and it has Rhynchostyulis retusa as it's other parent. It was registered in 1965 by Eliot Flynn.
  58. Neostylus Lou Sneary
  59. --Neofineta falcata, a monotypic orchid endemic to Japan and Korea crossed with Rhynchostylus coelestis produce this sweet smelling minature flower which blooms in the late summerand was registered by ono in 1970.

    Opsistylus Rhynchostylus and Vandopsis make up this warm growing bright light loving genus.

  60. Opsistylus Kultana
  61. This hybrid registered by Kultana in 1980 has Vandanopsis Sagarik crossed with Rhynchostylus gigantea.
  62. Opsistylus memoria Mary Natrass
  63. This cross has Vandanopsis gigantea crossed with Rhynchostylis gigantea and was registered by Redlinger in 1972.

    Phalenopsis This is a natural vandanaceous genus comprised of 50, mostly epiphytic and some lithophytic species spread throughout most all of Asia east of India and the Pacfic to the Philippines and south to Australia. It is monopodial with large succulent, drooping leaves with short stems, giving rise off the stem from among the leaves to an inflorescence which can have a few to a hundred flowers with a distinct 3-lobed clawed lip. NEW The parts of the Phalenopsis flower are, column {#1}, lateral lobe of labellum {#2}, mid lobe of the labellum {#3}, labellum {#4}, dorsal sepal {#5}, petals {#6}, lateral sepal {#7} They grow best in pots with a wood media or from wood slat baskets hung sideways with two wires. They like good air circulation and a minimum of light.

  64. Phalenopsis Ori X Brazilian Connection 'Krull Smith']
  65. Phalenopsis [Cathy Owens X Hacasa ]
  66. Phalenopsis Coral Seas
  67. Phalenopsis Palm Beach and Marmouset are combined to make this hybrid registered by Vaughn in 1958.
  68. Phalenopsis Honeydew
  69. Phalenopsis Moon Monarch and Sunbeam make up this cross registered by J&S in 1967.
  70. Phalenopsis Japonesque
  71. Phalenopsis Candle Pwoer and George Vasquez combine to produce this hybrid registered in 1984 by Hanajima's.
  72. Phalenopsis Saint George
  73. Phalenopsis [Mancini 'Leopard' X La Chartruese] are the parents of this cross registered by Ellenberg in 1991.
  74. Phalenopsis [ Petit Bois X Quita Brungar 'Music']
  75. Phalenopsis Terilyn Fujitake 'Carmela'
  76. This cross has Phalenopsis Pink Fantasy and the species stuartiana in it's parentage and was registered by Fujitke in 1983.
  77. Phalenopsis Universal Dream
  78. Phalenopsis [Deventeriana 'Treva' AM/AOS X George Vasquez 'Eureka'] are the parents of this hybrid registered in 1982 by Universal.
  79. Phalenopsis Windwalker 'Robert'
  80. Phalenopsis Coral Isles and Ambotrana are the parents of this hybrid from 1986 and registered by O.W. Inc.

    Renanstylus Renanthera and Rhynchostylus are the progentitors of this hybrid genus.

  81. Renanstylus Fabulosa X Aerides houlletiana
  82. Renantanda Renanthera and Vanda make up this intergeneric cross.

  83. Renantanda Charles Jones
  84. Renanthera philippinesis X Vanda coerulea are crossed to make this plant registered in 1990 by RF Orchids.

    Renanthera Renanthera is a natural genus that is found in Asia and the Western Pacific and consists of 15 species. They are basically red flowered and bloom on paniculate many flowered inflorecenses.

  85. Renanthera Brookie Chandler
  86. One of my favorite orchids, velvety large red flowers appearing profusely yet nicely spaced on large branching inflorescences of up to 4 feet. It is on a large plant, 12 to 14' leaves and can grow up to 25 ft. Mine is about 8 ft tall and is a 6 year old keiki that has bloomed 4 times a year. It was registered by J P Russel in 1950 and its parents are Renanthera monachica and storiei.
  87. Renanthera Manila 'T-Orchids'
  88. This cross has Renanthera philippinesis combined with Brookie Chandler and was registered by T Orchids in 1981. This cross seems to be in bloom all year long.

    Rhynchocentrum Rhychostylus and Ascocentrum make up this cute minature hybrid.

  89. Rhychocentrum Lilac Blossom
  90. Registered in 1963 by Moir and has as parents Rhynchostylis coelestis and Ascocentrum ampullaceum.

    Tubaecum This cross has Tuberlabium and Angraecum in its geneolgy.

  91. Tubaecum Snow Gem
  92. ---Angraecum philippinesis also known as Amesiella philippinesis and Tuberlabium kotense make up this Richella registered plant from 1979.

    Vanda TheNEW parts of the Vanda flower are, labellum {#1}, lateral sepal {#2}, petal {#3}, dorsal sepal {#4}, anther cap with pollina beneath {#5}, and the throat {#6}.

  93. Vanda Annette Jones
  94. Vanda Chindawat X Vanda Faye Bennete are the parents of this cross registerd in1989 by RF Orchids.
  95. Vanda Antonio Real
  96. Vanda Fuchs Delight and Danny German combine to make this RF Orchids registered cross from 1990.
  97. Vanda Golamco's Blue Magic
  98. Registerd by Golamco in 1989 it has Vanda Gordon Dillon crossed with Vanda coerula.
  99. Vanda Golden Triangle X Ascoscenda Khun Nok
  100. Vanda Fuch's Charmer
  101. Vanda Gordon Dillon X Vanda Saladaeng 'Red' are the parents of this cross from 1990 and made by RF Orchids.
  102. Vanda Jimmy Miller
  103. RF Orchids registered this cross in 1992 with the parents Vanda Taveesuksa and Pimsai.
  104. Vanda Karen Ogawa X Ascocenda Bonanza 'Richella'
  105. Vanda Keree Delight
  106. Vandas Keeree and Kasem's Delight are combined to produce this hybrid registered in 1983 by Keeree.
  107. Vanda Luisa Magasefala X Vanda lamellata
  108. Vanda Memoria Lyle Swanson
  109. Vanda Kaesem's Delight 'Robert' X Vanda tessellata 'RF Orchids' AM/AOS crteate this cross registered by RF Orchids in 1991.
  110. Vanda Motes Indigo X Vanda Merrillii
  111. Vanda Motes Honeybun
  112. Vanda denisoniana X Vanda Kultana 'Gold' are the parents of this cross from 1987 and registered by Motes.
  113. Vanda Mote's Primrose
  114. This is a primary hybrid between Vanda testacea and Vanda denisoniana and was registered by Motes in 1997.
  115. Vanda Mundy X Vanda Teres
  116. Here are two named the same with marked differences. Have the tags been mixed or could they be variations of the parents?
  117. Vanda Mundy X Vanda teres
  118. Let me know if you have ideas.

    Vascostylus Ascocentrum, Rhynchostylis and Vanda make up this intergeneric cross.

  119. Vascostylus Paragon Joy X Vanda Kasem's Delight
  120. Vascostylus Precious
  121. This hybrid has Rhynchostylus coelestis and Ascoscenda Yip Sum Wah in it's parentage and was registered by Ooi Leng Sun in 1969.

Zygopetalum Alliance

This group is in the Tribe Maxillarieae and the subtribe Zygopetalinae which is one of 7 that make up the tribe, the others are Subtribe Maxillariinae , Bifrenariinae, Lycastinae, Dichaeinae, Telipogoninae, and the Orinthocephalinae. Within the subtribe there are at least 21 genera and they are, Acacallis, Aganisia, Batemannia, Bollea, Chaubardia, Chaubardiella, Chondrorhyncha, Cochleanthes, Huntleya, Kefersteinia, Koellensteinia, Mendoncella, Neogardneria, Pabstia, Pescatorea, Promenaea, Stenia, Warrea, Wareella, Zygopetalum, and Zygosepalum.

Hammelwellsara Hamelwellsara is a hybrid between Aganisia, Batemannia, Otostylis, Zygopetalum, and Zygosepalum.

  • Hamelwellsara June 'Indigo Sue'
  • Photo courtesy of Stephen Jones. Hamelwellsara Mem. Edmund Harcourt and Zygopetalum John Banks mke up this multigeneric soup that produces a beautiful color and shape and I'd be willing to bet a heck of a fragrance. One of the finest orchid hybrids ever

    Lycaste Lindley

    1. Lycaste Wyldfire 'Red Hot'AM CCM/AOS
    2. Photo and award winning plant courtesy of Wilford Neptune.

    Pescoranthes Cochleanthes crossed with Pescatorea produce this intergeneric genus.

    1. Pescoranthes Star Sapphire
    2. Pescatoria lehmanii and Cochleanthes Painted Lady are the parents of this 1996 cross developed by Klehm.

    Zygopetalum Hooker There are about 40 species in Zygopetalum that are mostly in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. They are epiphytic with elongated plicate-venouse leaves with short stout pseudobulbs. They are best grown in pots with humid, semi-shady, well watered, warm to intermediate conditions. Many of the species have a delightful fragrance and can bloom more than once a year.

    1. Zygopetalum Blue Banks
    2. Zygopetalum Blue Lake and John Banks are crossed to make this hybrid registered in 1991 by Los Osos.
    3. Zygopetalum Mismima Choice
    4. This multibloomer is the product of crossing Zygopetalum James Straus by Blackie. It was registered by Hanajima's in 1992.
    If you have questions or have a new name or award for any of the plants shown E-mail me atJay Pfahl c/o Neptune Designs.

    Click Alliances Below to see hybrid photos within that group.

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    Below are other orchid sites that I find useful.

    Other Orchid Sites A great site to link up to all other orchid sites, includes vendors, societies,universities,and book sites.

    Orchid Mall Like above a location to find many orchid web sites.

    Linda's Orchid Hybrid Abbreviations Ever wonder what the heck BLC or Burr or Alcra stood for? Well here's the spot to fix all that, not only are the correct hybrid names given but also what genera are combined to make such a named hybrid. So BLC becomes Brassavola, Laelia and Cattleya , and Alcra. becomes Aliceara comprised of Brassia, Miltonia and Oncidium. Heady stuff this is, as now you can see why it blooms when it does or if it needs a rest or why the leaves fall off. Try it when you buy a new cross.

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