SECTION Tripudianthes Seidenfaden

The dorsal sepal is free and has 7 to 9 veins, the laterals are 1.1 to 1.2 times longer than the dorsal and are connate along the lower margins. The petals have 5 veins and the distal margin is fimbriate, The mobile lip is on a thin ligament and is undivided. The column has the stigma proximally not protruding. The stelida are less than 1/2 the length of the column and the lower margin has an inconspiculous wing. The anterior surface of the anther is hardly concave and is not drawn out. There are 4 pollina.

CAUTION The species in this section are now in another section as to what one, I await the research

  1. Bulbophyllum dickasonii Seidenf. 1979 Myanmar

  2. Bulbophyllum guttifilum Seidenf. 1996 Thailand

  3. Bulbophyllum kanburiense Seidenf. 1970 Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam

  4. Bulbophyllum khaoyaiense Seidenf. 1970 Thailand, and Yunnan Province China

  5. Bulbophyllum proudlockii (King & Pantl.) J.J.Sm. 1912 India

  6. Bulbophyllum refractum [Zoll.]Rchb. f. 1861 eastern Himalayas, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Java and Sumatra

  7. Bulbophyllum rugosisepalum Seidenf 1979 Thailand

  8. Bulbophyllum sanitii Seidenf. 1970 Thailand and Vietnam

  9. Bulbophyllum tripudians Par. & Rchb.f. 1874 Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam

  10. Bulbophyllum viridiflorum (Hook.f.) Schltr. 1910 western Himalayas, Assam, Nepal and the eastern Himalayas

  11. Bulbophyllum wallichii Rchb.f. 1861 Assam India, the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of China 25: 404–440. 2009
