SECTION Biloba J J Sm. 1905

TYPE: = Dendrobium bilobum Lindl. 1843

Synonyms Section Monanthos Schlechter 1905; Monanthos [Sclectr] Brieger 1981;

Characterized by the long and very slender stems often forming large clumps with thick roots carrying 2 ranked, prominenty sheathed leaves held all along the stem that blooms on an axillary inflorescence carrying small cup shaped single flowers with distinctly 3 lobed lip apice.

  1. Dendrobium agrostophylloides Schltr. 1912 Papua New Guinea

  2. !Dendrobium bilobum Lindl. 1843 TYPE for the Section; New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia

  3. Dendrobium corticicola Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  4. Dendrobium erectifolium J.J.Sm. 1908 New Guinea

  5. Dendrobium integrum Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  6. Dendrobium isochiloides Kraenzl. 1894 New Guinea, Sulawesi and the Bismark Islands

  7. Dendrobium koordersii J.J.Sm. 1905 Moluccas and Sulawesi

  8. Dendrobium lamproglossum Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  9. Dendrobium malbrownii Dockrill 1967 New Guinea and Queensland Australia

  10. Dendrobium obovatum Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  11. Dendrobium piestocaulon Schltr. 1905 New Guinea and the Bismark Archipelago

  12. Dendrobium poneroides Schltr. 1911 New Guinea

  13. Dendrobium procerum Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  14. Dendrobium rhytidothece Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  15. Dendrobium roseoflavidum Schltr. 1912 New Guinea

  16. Dendrobium rickscottianum P.O'Byrne & J.J.Verm. 2003 Sulawesi

  17. Dendrobium unicarinatum Kores 1989 Fiji, New Caledonia?

  18. Dendrobium xanthothece Schltr. 1912 New Guinea
